Monday, 27 September 2021

Solo 'Through Sunken Lands' RPG, Part 5

Through Sunken Lands RPG, a solo playthrough

leaving the swamp, the quest continues.

Time 6a
Date 13th March
Weather - Overcast, Strong wind and a little warmer than normal for the time of year.

(unused intervention points from last session 1)

To recap part 4, my PC's and Tilly met with Karloak the old hermit in a hut in the middle of the swamp.  They were attacked by soldiers, probably sent by the Merchant from Jundarr whom Tilly stole the document which describes the location of a lost treasure.  The soldiers were fairly easily seen off but Tilly suffered 8 hits from the great warrior she rashly engaged in combat.  Everyone was given a drink by Karloak, including Sana who was ill due to swallowing rancid swamp water, this drink knocked them all out and they slept soundly through the night, each recovering 1 HP.

It is now the following morning, Karloak has 
disappeared but he has left his sword on the cart which will certainly be useful for the adventures.  Sana is now well and able to travel again, the group are making ready to leave the hut.

ALRIK - I can cast a healing touch spell once per day, so, before we leave here, I will cast it on Tilly to restore some of her lost HP.  I roll d8 and get 7, so she recovers 7 HP.

GM - Sana and Tilly are both now nearly fully recovered, the rest of you are back to full HP, the bites from the insect swarm are now healed.  Tilly picks up Karloak's sword, she is as puzzled by his sudden disappearance as she was by his sudden appearance.  Keen to get on the move in case more soldiers turn up, she thanks Alrik for his healing spell use and leads the horse and cart along the road.

I ask the oracle if anything else untoward happens on their journey through the swamp, roll d20 =10, d6 =6, so a straight no and +1 intervention point (making 2 intervention points now).

GM - Tilly is keen to push on, she is concerned about Karloaks disappearance, telling the group that his cottage is about 9 miles east of the swamp, if they keep up a good pace they should be there by midday. 

SANA - I am a little worried about our lack of food, I suggest we look out for a village or town and purchase some provisions.

MARIANNE - we are low on silvers as well, maybe if we find an inn for the night I can raise a little cash by playing and singing, I agree we should look for a village or town.

DORANUS - a comfy bed and a glass of ale would be most welcome after a long day, does Tilly know of any such place.

I ask the oracle if Tilly knows of a village, town or even just an inn where they can spend the night, roll on d20=6, roll on d6=4, so 'No(in order to)'.

GM - Tilly says that she doesn't and makes it clear that in order to avoid a repercussion of the surprise attack in the swamp, it would be best for now to keep off the beaten track, 5 strangers with a horse and cart would be sure to draw attention.  She is certain that when they arrive at Karloaks cottage he will be there and give them provisions.

After just over an hour, the party finally leave the swamp land which gives way to rolling grassland, Tilly continues to follow the road east for a couple of miles.

GM -  You reach a junction in the road, at that point, almost as if out of nowhere a group of fellow travellers on horseback spot you.  Tilly is keen to avoid the travellers.

I ask the oracle if its possible to avoid being seen by the travellers, roll d20 =2, d6 = 4, so a 'No(and).

GM - unfortunately for Tilly, the travellers see the party and hail you, a charisma check is made to see if they react in a friendly manor to the party.

MARIANNE - I will approach the travelling group, my charisma is 15 and with my Friendly Face trait bonus of +2, I need to roll 17 or less, roll d20 = 11, they are friendly towards us.

SANA - we need to ask them why they hailed us down, do they need our assistance.

I ask the oracle if they need help from the party, roll d20 = 3, d6=6, so that a 'No' and +1 intervention, that's the third intervention point, so I roll d6 on MUNE intervention table, roll on d6 = 1  meaning we get 'New Entity' 

GM - one of the travellers, a young man, colourfully dressed and wearing a broad brimmed hat festooned with feathers jumps off his horse and, with a smile and a low bow, introduces himself to Marianne as Gedyel Moodlum, warden of Karmble Hold.

Once again, I turn to UNE to work out who Gedyel Moodlum is and hopefully get an idea of why he hailed down our adventures.  I find out he is a skilled warden, for his motivation rolls I get 
1 - Hinder Religion
2 - Obtain Legends
3 - Execute Zeal

To get a better idea of what Gedyel Moodlum wants from the party, I roll on the Mythic event tables and get 'Waste, Rumour'.

GM - Gedyel tells the party that he has heard a rumour that there is a ship sailing on land as if it was water, wasting everything in its path, the source of this rumour comes from some of the outlying villages and he and his men are investigating, he asks if the party have heard or seen anything.

DORANUS - we will say we are sorry, we have neither seen nor heard anything about a ship that sails on land.

SANA - does Tilly recognise Gedyel.
Roll on oracle, d20 = 7, d6 = 6, so a straight 'No' and +1 intervention point.

GM - Tilly has not seen Gedyel before.

ALRIK - we will tell Gedyel that we are on our way to see a hermit called Karloak, does he know him?
Roll on oracle, d20 = 3, d6 =2, so 'No(Surprisingly)'. I also get two random verbs to see if it gives me an idea what the surprisingly part could be and get 'hesitate' and 'watch'.

GM - Gedyel seems surprised by the question, he  hesitates before answering and watching his expression, you notice he is a little unsure of how to answer, he tells you that he knows of no hermits around here and cannot be of any help to you.  As he mounts his horse, he wishes you a good journey and ask that if you hear anything of the ship to let him know, with that he and his men move off southward.

DORANUS - I have a strong feeling he was not telling us the truth, a ship that sails through land?

ALRIK - and he seem a little unsure how to answer when we asked about Karloak.

GM - Tilly is eager to get moving, there is still a 3 to 4 hour walk to get to Karloak's cottage, the wind is still strong and the sky is getting ever darker, its looking more likely that a storm is brewing.

I ask the oracle if there are any further encounters on the route to Karloaks cottage, roll d20= 7, d6=2, so a 'No(if)', I decide to simply ignore the (if).
I ask the oracle if after 4 hours walking they are at Karloaks cottage, roll d20 = 9, d6 = 6. so no and a further intervention point (now 2 intervention points.
I then roll a d6 to see how much longer (in 10minute segments),it takes to get to where Tilly knows the cottage to be, roll d6 = 6, so a further 1 hour walking.
I ask the oracle if we have now reached the cottage, roll d20 = 2, d6=3, so 'No(and).
I decide the (and) must mean some sort of encounter takes place, so I roll on the Grasslands Encounter table in Beyond the Wall Further Afield, roll d6 = 3.

GM - you have been walking for over five hours, it is past midday and you have not eaten since yesterday, Tilly is sure the hermits cottage is around here somewhere.  Without warning the heavens open and a violent storm erupts.  I make a Con check against Tillys con of 9 as she is has the lowest con of you all, roll on d20 =11, a fail, you lose the rest of the day seeking shelter, a wisdom check against Doranus as he has the highest wisdom, roll d20 = 15, another fail, the horse bolts in the storm and although you get the beast to stop, it will take you the whole of the next day to repair the harness.

MARIANNE - where do we find shelter, do we find the hermits cottage.

I ask the oracle if they find shelter at Karloak's cottage, roll d20= 17, d6=6, so yes and a further intervention point meaning we roll for an intervention. Rolling on intervention table d6 = 6, so wild intervention.  I generate 2 random verbs and get sooth and undress

GM - you eventually find the old hermits cottage, the storm is still raging and you are all soaking wet and hungry, the door to the cottage is open and you walk in to find a table of food laid out, a fire burning and 5 large bath tubs each full of warm soothing water, For Tilly, modesty goes out of the window, she takes some food to a tub by the fire, undresses and climbs into the warm bath tub.

DORANUS, MARIANNE & SANA - We all follow Tillys actions, eat, undress get into a nice warm bath

ALRIK - okay, me to, I will hang my clothing over the side of the tub to dry. is Karloak here.

roll on oracle d20=12, d6 =4, so 'Yes(While)'

GM - yes, while you are all eating and soaking in the baths, Karloak enters from outside, even though it is pouring with rain, he seems completely dry, he says he was expecting you sooner and that he has made sure the horse and cart are out of the rain as well.  You can repair the harness in the morning once the storm has passed.  He gives each of you a dry robe.

when everyone is bathed Karloak points to some stairs, he tells the group that there are 5 cots on the next floor and they should all take their belongings there and choose a bed for the night.  When they come back down the bath tubs are gone and so is Karloak, the table of food has been replenished and 5 chairs are now placed around the fire, their clothes drying nearby.  Tilly rushes to the door and opens it, looking for the old hermit but the wind and rain drive her back in.  The group have no option but to sit the storm out and see what tomorrow brings. 

Date 14th March
Weather - Overcast, Strong wind and temperature colder but normal for the time of year

GM - in the morning the storm has passed, it takes you all day to repair the harness and you will be forced to spend a further night in the old hermits cottage, but you are all now fully rested and Sana and Tilly are now at full HP.  The day goes by uneventfully, there is no sign of the old hermit and so on the morning of the 15th, with two days food in your bags, you prepare to move on from the cottage.

and that is where we will end part 5, in part 6 the journey continues.

Cover of the through sunken lands and other adventures book

(I think Gedyel Moodlum will make interesting NPC going forward, at this point in the adventure I am not going to do much more with him but he certainly merits a bit of work put into his persona, I am not sure if he will be a constant help or threat to the  PC's but I will work that out in time).

Thursday, 23 September 2021

Solo 'Through Sunken Lands' RPG, Part 4, The Hermit


At the old hut in the swamp

Time 1:40pm 
Date 12th March
Weather - Clear, very light wind and a little warmer than normal for the time of year.

In part three we left out group of adventures having entered a swamp, there they found their way blocked by a fallen tree, whist moving it a swarm of insects attacked them, in trying to evade the swarm, Sana the barbarian girl ended up in the swamp and swallowed a lot of bad water and needed to be rescued.  Although her life is not threatened she is far to ill to continue the journey.  The group came across an old hut where they hoped they could stay, eat and wait until Sana was able to continue.  Tilly the Rouge discovered  the hut was occupied, the party must now decided what to do next.

I ask the oracle if Tilly was spotted by the 'strange man' as tilly described him.  Roll d20 = 8, d6 = 6, so a straight 'No' and +1 intervention point.  

Tilly has passed through the swamp before, or seemed to have done as she knew how to find the road through the swamp, I ask the oracle if Tilly new the man inside the hut.  Roll on d20 = 20, d6 = 6, so a straight 'Yes' and another +1 intervention point (now 2 intervention points).

I ask the oracle if this is the old hermit Tilly knows and whose house Tilly was hoping to reach before nightfall.  Roll d20 = 13, d6 = 1, a straight 'Yes'.

GM - Tilly looks puzzled, she says she knows the strange man in the hut, his name is Karloak, an old hermit she knows but he should not be here, his house is a further 8 miles from the swamp, she was hoping they could all lodge there for the evening.

MARIANNE - Sana is too weak to travel on, if this is a friend of yours Tilly, ask him if we can rest here until Sana is well again.

DORANUS - we could all use some rest, that swarm of foul insects bit me in places I never want to bitten in again.

ALRIK - and I am hungry and thirsty, there is good food in the cart, I suggest we knock on the door, we can offer to share some food with your friend I would hope that would be appreciated by him and he would more willing to help us.

SANA - groans and is ill again.

GM - Tilly, seeing she has little choice, agrees to ask, she tells the PC's to wait by the cart, she will go alone and talk to the hermit.

I used UNE (the Universal NPC Emulator) to generate some details about the hermit, he is old and generally well disposed towards Tilly.

GM - before Tilly gets to the door of the hut, it opens and an elderly man, unkempt with a long scruffy beard and tattered clothing steps into view.  The two greet each other warmly and you see Tilly pointing towards you, and whilst you cannot make out what they are saying, you notice that she starts beckoning you to come towards the hut.

DORANUS - I will go first, I will ready Elements Command, if the situation turns bad I will call on an element near me to attack the hermit.

ALRIK - I will follow, I will keep my hand close to my blade but will not look threatening, hopefully there will be no reason to draw my blade.

MARIANNE - I will bring up the horse with Sana.

GM - as you approach the house, you hear Tilly say to the old hermit 'Karloak my old friend, these are my fellow travellers, the girl Sana is not well, she needs to rest".  Karloak welcomes you and says he has been expecting you.  He tells you to bring Sana in to the hut.  Once inside you notice there is a makeshift bed and a rickety table with stools around it, a small fire in the corner has a pot of something boiling on it.

ALRICK - Doranus and I will help Sana into the hut, we will put her down on the bed, hopefully she will sleep.

GM - Karloak offers you all a seat at the table, there are 5 stools, one for each of you except Sana, as well as one for Karloak himself.  Karloak asks what has happened to Sana.

MARIANNE - I shall tell Karloak about the fallen tree, the insect swarm and Sana falling into the swamp.

GM - Karloak takes a cup of whatever is brewing on the small fire and makes Sana drink it, he tells her that it will make her sleep and she will be fine in the morning.  He then comes and sits at the table with the rest of you.

DORANUS - I will ask Karloak what he meant when he said he he was expecting us.
I roll on oracle to see if he answers the question, roll on d 20 =7, roll on d 6 =6, so a straight 'No' and +1 intervention point, (3 intervention points, so roll on intervention table).
Roll d6 on itervention table = 6, so its wild, something totally unexpected happens., I roll for a random noun and a random verb (I use and get 'SPOT' & 'COUNT'.

GM - before Karloak is able to answer you hear Tilly's  horse whinny loudly, Tilly makes a wisdom check, she rolls 10, a success.  She spots out of the window strangers moving quickly towards the hut, she counts 6 men.  She slowly gets to her feet and loads her two hand crossbows.  Karlock, from out of nowhere is suddenly in possession of a very ornate sword.

ALRIK - I will draw my eldrich blade.

DORANUS - are there any more entrances or exits other than the window and the door we came in.
roll on oracle d20=7, d6 = 2, so 'No(if)'.

GM - there are no other ways in or out, if anyone wants to get in it has to be through the door you came in or climb through the window.

DORANUS - good, I think, I will draw my shortsword.

MARIANNE - I draw my dagger, I move over to Sana, if anyone comes near her I will attack them.

ALRIK - are the shutters open at the window.

roll on oracle d20=20, d6=2, so 'Yes (on the contrary).

GM - there are no shutters on the window and now someone is trying to climb through it and a second armed man is behind him, at the same time someone or thing is trying to break the door down.  Tilly and Marianne are nearest to the door, Alrik is nearest to the window.

Great Warrior (no 1) Hit Dice 4d10, hits 22 AC17, Attack +6 to hit, 1D8+3 Damage - at door
Soldier (no2,3,4) Hit Dice 1d6, hits 4, AC14, Attack +0 to hit, 1d6  Damage - all at door
Soldier (no5,6) Hit Dice 1d6, hits 4, AC14, Attack +0 to hit, 1d6  Damage - all at door

 MARIANNE - the door is bolted then?
roll on oracle to see if door is bolted d20 =16, d6 =1 a straight 'Yes'.

ALRIK - can I strike at the first intruder coming through the window.

GM - yes, you have a greater initiative and can strike the first intruder.

ALRIK - I roll 20 on d20 to hit, so an automatic hit, roll on d8 for damage = 2.

GM - Soldier no5 is through the window, he is hit but not down, Soldier no 6 starts to climb through the window now.

MARIANNE - I ask about the door, is it broken through yet?
roll on oracle d20=4, d6=4, so 'No(so long as), 

GM - the lock on the door is sturdy, so is the door, so long as the lock olds the door will remain shut.  Nothing else happens this melee round, so round 2.   Karloak is near to soldier 6 and strikes first but rolling a 1 fumbles his strike, Alrik next

ALRIK - I roll 13 with my BAB +2 thats 15 against AC14 so I hit, just, rolling d8 for damage = 3.

GM - soldier 5 grunts his last and is out of the fight, soldier 6 strikes back at Karloak, rolling 4, so no way near hitting the hermit.  I roll to see if the door and lock are holding up (roll on oracke d20 = 10, d6 =6, so a straight 'No' and +1 intervention point) The door smashes open and a great warrior comes rushing in.  Tilly manages to loose two of her crossbow bolts at the brute, she hits with one, not the other and the attacker takes 4 hits.  The other 3 soldiers make their way in.

Round 3, Tilly rushes forward dagger drawn and attacks the great warrior, she fails to he but strikes Tilly causing 8 points of damage.
Karloak is next, attacking soldier number 6, this time he makes no mistakes, rolling 19 to hit and does 3+2 points of damage, soldier no 6 is out of the fight.

MARIANNE - I wait with my dagger, ready to protect Sana.

ALRIK - I will jump on the table and wait to see what happen (must make a roll against dex, roll on d 20 = 11, just 1 less than his dex of 12, so he makes his jump.

DORANUS - I cast my command element spell, I get a water spirit with +2 attack and 1d6 hits, I command it to attack a soldier

GM - it does your bidding and attacks soldier 2, it hits and causes 6 points of damage, soldier 2 is down and out.

Round 4 of combat. 

GM - Till has highest initiative, she strikes at the great warrior but her dagger bounces off his armour, he in turn fails to hit Tilly this time.

MARIANNE - the tide seems to turn in our favour, I rush the nearest soldier, but just get a 3 on d20 to hit, failure (she attacked soldier 4).

GM - Karloak is next, he cast a magic missile spell directed at soldier 3,  two bolts of magical energy strike the unfortunate soldier and the man goes down.

ALRIK - I will launch myself of the table and strike at the attacker fighting Tilly, if I can hit him I will.

GM - make a roll against dex, (Alrik rolls 5, he succeeds his dex roll), okay, you land next to them, now roll to hit but with a -2 chance.

ALRIK - I roll d20 = 20, no problem, roll d8 for damage, only a 1.

DORANUS - I command the water element to attack the soldier fighting Marianne, I roll d20 and get 15 with +2 to hit its god, roll 1d6 damage = 3

the game now seems up for the attackers, soldier 4 panics and runs out of the door, the great warrior seeing he has no hope then does likewise but not before telling Tilly he will be back for her soon.

Everyone is exhausted, they eat what food they have and the old hermit gives them all a draught from his cooking pot, they all talk for a while, then sleep takes over.  The next morning they awake early, Sana is fit to travel, Tilly has taken a few to many hits but she is keen to press on.  There is no sign of the old hermit though, they search outside for him, it seems he has gone but not before hooking up the horse and cart, laying on the straw is his sword.

We will leave the next part of the adventure until next time.

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Solo 'Through Sunken Lands' RPG, Part 3, the swamp.


Breakfast at the Tanners Wife Tavern

Time 6:40am 
Date 12th March
Weather - Clear, very light wind and a little warmer than normal for the time of year.

Tilly is up and about, making enough noise to ensure the PC's are up and about as well, she seems anxious to get everyone up and ready to move on.  The oracle is asked if everything is normal in Tavern, roll od d20 =14, d6 = 6 so that's a straight 'yes' and another +1 intervention point (3 intervention points now, so we have to roll on the MUNE intervention table).  Roll d6 =4 so we get 'advance plot' on the intervention table, I take that as they are able to quickly get on their way.

GM - everyone is up and about, Tilly is keen to get moving and Melonie Tanner has prepared everyone a good hearty breakfast.  Tilly doesn't hang about, as soon as she has eaten she is sorting out the horse and cart, goodbyes are said to Melonie Tanner, it certainly seems as if the two are well acquainted, and Tilly sets about hurrying the PC's along.

ALRIK - we don't have any provisions, is there anywhere we can buy food from in the village.
    Roll on Oracle d20=1, d6 =1, so that a straight 'No'.

GM - its  just gone 7am and there is no place open to buy provisions, the village is a sleepy little place and even the local farmers are just getting up and out.

SANA -  I have a few silvers left, I will ask Melonie Tanner if she could sell us bread and maybe cheese or a pan of left over stew even.
    Roll on Oracle d20=18, d6=5, so 'Yes, (Surprisingly).

GM - Melonie Tanner comes out of the Tavern, without being prompted she has brought out enough bread, some cold cuts of meat and fruits, enough to see you through until evening, she hands them to Tilly and even though Tilly offers for Sana to pay for the food, Melonie refuses to take any money, she wishes the group well on their journey and tells Tilly to not leave visiting the tavern so long in future.  With that, Tilly gets the horse and cart moving and the group are on their way, after leaving the village, Tilly turns of the track and heads East across grassland for just over and hour, finally reaching a wood.

The oracle is asked if  anything happens as they move through the woods, roll on d 20 = 2, d6 =1, so a straight 'No'.

GM- the woods slow the journey down as you have to pick your way through carefully with the horse and cart, it takes 3 hours to travel the 4 miles through the woods but all is quiet and you encounter nothing out of the ordinary, eventually you find yourselves at the edge of a swamp.

DORANUS - a swamp!, can we get through a swamp with a horse and cart?
    Roll on Oracle d20 = 11, d6 = 5,  so a 'Yes, (apparently)'.

GM - Tilly apparently has been here before and she knows there is a track through the swamp, it is not great but is good enough for a horse and cart to move slowly along.

The oracle is asked if  anything happens as they move through the swamp, roll on d 20 = 12, d6 =4, so a straight 'Yes (while)'. 

GM - you  make good progress along the old swamp track, then about two miles in you are stopped in your tracks by a decaying fallen tree which has blocked the track.

Everyone makes a strength test to see if it can be moved and a roll of 4 means it can, I roll to see how long it takes and roll 1d20 = 12, so 12 minutes to shift it.

GM - the five of you work hard to move the fallen tree, it is large and you have no way of using the horse and cart to help shift it, it takes you 12 minutes to move it sufficiently to allow the cart to pass.  Just as get the tree moved you are all attacked by a swarm of nasty insects.

ALRIK - we should all take cover, I dive under the cart

GM - okay, you all need to take a wisdom check, anyone who fails will dive into the water instead of under the cart, and you all take 1 hit from the swarm regardless.

ALRIK - 1 roll 4, under the cart I dive.

SANA - a 17 for me, way over, I am in the swamp.

DORANUS - a 9, under the cart I go to

MARIANNE - A rotten 11, one less and I would be fine, now I end up in the water and wet.

GM - Tilly passes her wisdom roll easily, so she remains dry.  The swamp water is really rotten, sulphurous smelling stuff, Marianne and Sana must make a further check against wisdom of they swallow a lot of the putrid water.

MARIANNE - a 4, I pass this time, I am dripping with this vile smelling water but at least I haven't drank any.

SANA - another 17! Fail.

GM - Sana takes a further hit point, she has to be rescued from the swamp and has swallowed a lot of water, Sana, you become really ill, too ill to travel far, non of you have any cantrips or spells to help her.

DORANUS - we will carry on slowly and see if there is anywhere we can camp for the evening, hopefully Sana will be recovered by the morning.

Roll on Oracle to see if there is any place to camp, d20 = 14, d6 = 2, so 'Yes, (if)'.

GM - you have not gone far when you see to your left a rather dirty looking old hut raised from the water, if you leave the cart on the path you can walk to the hut, Sana will need to be carried somehow.

MARIANNE - okay, we can uncouple the horse and put Sana on its back.  Does the hut seem deserted.
    Roll on Oracle d20 = 10, d6= 1, so a straight 'No'.

GM - Tilly scouts ahead, she returns back with news, the house is occupied, a strange looking man is sat inside.

And thats where we shall end for now, in part 4, the hermit and the journey continues,

Friday, 17 September 2021

Solo 'Through Sunken Lands' RPG, Part 2, say hello say goodbye to the Impossible city.

 The Jade Dragon is a beautiful galley ship, long and slender with its two banks of oars three masts of colourful sails and a figurehead of a great jade dragon.  Its captain has sailed the seas of the sunken lands for a decade now, trading and profiteering, things have been good, really good, his crew and himself have become wealthy, not stinking rich, just wealthy, that was until recently. 

 Recently, over the last 9 months, trade has been bad, the ship has come close to sinking and the crew have suffered illness like never before, even worse, the captain has lost money on nearly every sailing.  The Captain has done nothing different to what he has previously done, always a winning formula, what has changed is his crew.

Things have only gone wrong since the last 4 new crew members were taken on.  He has given them the benefit but now his crew are threatening to leave if they stay, the final straw came when the Eldritch one, Alrak, tried to blame the captain for the ships ills, telling him he should have given offerings to the Elemental gods and then striking the captain with a oar.  If it had not been for that Barbarian Sana or whatever her name is, pleading his case, the strange one would have been thrown over board, as it is as soon as we dock in Jundarr, those two and their two friends Doranus and that awful lute player Marianne, will be shown the door and the bad luck the Jade Dragon and crew have suffered will be over.

Dockside at Jundarr.

Time 9:30am 
Date 11th March
Weather - Fine but a little cloudy

The PC's find themselves unceremoniously evicted from the good ship 'The Jade Dragon', they are stood, or sat, on the dockside, some of the crew of the Jade Dragon are looking over the side of the ship shouting less than fond farewells to the 4 characters, indeed many are shouting obscenities at them, all of which are unrepeatable here. 

GM - you have all been roughly escorted off the Jade Dragon, Alrik and Sana, you find yourselves manacled together and are both sat on the dockside, Doranus and Marianne, you are both standing, all of notice that you have nothing but the clothes you are wearing and the ship is about to leave.  You then notice the captains mate appear at the side of the ship, he throws 4 blanket rolls onto the dockside, they land just a little away from you.

SANA - I will attempt to run over to the blankets.
DORANUS - so will I. 

GM - Sana, you are manacled to Alrik who not in a position to move, Doranus, as you walk over to the blankets something strikes you on the head.
roll on oracle to see if Doranus is injured Roll d20= 16, d6 = 3, so 'Yes (unless).  Doranus will take 1d4 hits unless he can dodge (roll against Dexterity), 

DORANUS - I have athletics skill, will that give me a bonus for my Dex roll
roll on oracle d20 = 18, d6 = 1 so a straight yes.
I need to roll 12 or less on d 20 and roll 4, so I don't take any hits, what was thrown at me.

GM - it was Mariannes Lute.

MARIANNE - not my lute!, its rare and  the only thing I have of any worth, I hope it's not damaged?
roll on oricle d20=10 d6 =3 so 'No (apparently)'

GM - No, apparently its hard and Doranus head is soft so neither took any hurt.  Alrik, you are feeling a little woozy but a thud near you brings you round a little.

ALRIK - Woozy?  why am I woozy?  I turn my head to see what made the thud.

GM - it would seem you had been drugged, you are just coming around, a fancy spear has a ring with a key attached to it over its shaft.

SANA - is that my spear? 

GM -  yes.

ALRIK -  I will attempt to get to my feet and get the key off the spear, I guess it is to unlock the manacles.  Free me Sana please!

GM - you get to you feet with the help of the spear, Sana has no option but to get up as well.  Sana is able to pull the spear out of the wooden planks of the dockside and you are able to take the key and release the manacles that bind Sana to you.  The Jade Dragon is already heading away from the dockside, some of its crew are still jeering at you and there is a small crowd gathered around you all laughing at you.

DORANUS - I pick up the blanket rolls, 4 of them you say, okay, one each, I will give one each to my friends.

MARIANNE - I will open my blanket, is there anything inside it.

GM - yes, it has Alriks possessions in it, including his longbow and 15 silvers.

ALRIK - well thats something, what is in the other three, everyone else's possesions I guess.

GM - yes, just about everything you brought with you when you first boarded the Jade Dragon those months ago, not much but enough to get you on your way.

SANA - including my fine silk? great, that crowd laughing at us, do they look like trouble?

GM - possibly, it is Jundarr docks.

SANA - I think we should get away from the docks, perhaps find a nice tavern.

DORANUS - I want to head to the temple district find a temple for the water element goddess.

ALRIK, MARIANNE & SANA - okay, thats where we will head towards, does doranus know the way to the temple district?

roll on Zathrum 2.2 probability table 60% chance he does, roll on d 100, 74%, so no.

GM - The Impossible city is impossible to not get lost in and after 50 minutes you all realise you have no idea where you are, lost in some slum area.  Make a 'group passive  perception roll'.
Doranus has the highest wisdom, 13, so needs to roll 13 or less on d20, roll 10.
Out of the corner of Doranus eye he spots a shadowy figure on the roof tops, he calls out but before you can do anything but draw your daggers, the figure drops down in front of you all, two small crossbows, ready loaded are fired towards you,

TILLY - idiots, just as well I am hear to save you.
 Tilly rolls 2 d20 to see if she hits the ruffians behind the PC's with either crossbow bolt, she need 11 or more to hit and rolls 14 &20, two easy hits, there are two thuds behind the PC's, when you turn around you see two desperadoes rolling on the ground, crossbow bolts in places they should not be.
Don't hang around, leg it, there are half a dozen more and they wont care about those two on the ground, follow me.

ALRIK, DORANUS, MARIANNE &SANA -  With a choice of being attacked by 6 or more ruffians or taking a chance with someone who seems to be on our side, we all run after Tilly, we  will take a risk she will lead us somewhere safe.

GM - Tilly leads the PC's through the warren that is the slums of Jundarr, their pursuers seem to be giving up the chase.  As they pound down a narrow street, Tilly grabs Marianne who is just behind her and pulls her through a door into a grubby little house.  

TILLY - In here everyone, then get up the stairs.  I think we have lost the crowd chasing us, we should be safe for a little while here.

GM - Tilly bolts the outside door and follows the others up the stairs through a second door to a small room with a table, a couple of chairs and a bed.  She shuts the second door and jams one of the chairs between the floor and the door handle.  Somehow Tilly manages to sit in the only other seat before anyone else can, the rest of you are either forced to sit on the bed or stand.

SANA - I will ask Tilly why she has jammed the door to this room shut?

TILLY - Better to be safe than sorry, I wouldn't want anyone to burst in here uninvited.

MARIANNE- I will ask Tilly if this is her home?

TILLY - It belongs to a friend, they don't need it at the moment.

ALRIK - I will ask Tilly why she helped us?

GM - Tilly produces an ancient document and a hand drawn map, she lays them on the table and tells you that a friend gave her the document as she no longer needed it, it contains directions to a treasure hoard but it is so old it is almost impossible to decipher the exact location, however Tilly says she has managed to work it all out.
She tells the PC's that she saw they were in trouble at the docks and followed them, she helped them because one good turn deserves one in return and she needs help to get the treasure.  Tilly hopes they can all help each other and share the rewards. 

Tilly spends a little time showing the PC's the document and her map, then there is the sound of someone or something trying to break down the door from the street to the house, Tilly gathers up her map and old document and put them back in the pocket, she grabs Doranus by the collar and drags to the window.

TILLY - Quick, grab your stuff and through this window, all of you out NOW!

GM - There is a sound of splintering wood followed by heavy boots running up the stairs.

MARIANNE - I shall load my crossbow and cover everyone, if anyone gets in here I will fire at them.

ALRIK, DORANUS & SANA - We will risk the window with Tilly, she almost seems to know what she is doing.

GM - Alrik is the last of the three to follow Tilly, as he jumps out of the window, the second door bursts open and a huge lumbering man sticks his head around the door.

MARIANNE - I fire my crossbow

GM - you need 12 plus for a hit

MARIANNE - I roll a 16, a hit, and 2 hit points.

GM - the man is a giant of a human, the crossbow bolt hits him and slows him down but he still carries on towards you.

MARIANNE - I leg it to the window and jump hoping for the best.

GM -  You make it out of the window before the intruder gets anywhere near you, your fall is broken by a pile of soft straw and you find yourself in a cart full of straw along with the others, Tilly is up front with a horse which is attached to the cart.

TILLY - That felt like the last of you hitting the cart, in that case, hold tight, its time to leave Jundarr.

SANA - I ask Tilly if the cart also belongs to a friend who doesn't need it at the moment.

GM - Tilly does not reply but she does get the horse and cart going at a dangerous trot, you all notice that the intruder is looking out of the window you all just jumped out of, he is shaking his fist at you all and shouting at you, thankfully the noise of the street and of the cart drowns out his words.

TILLY - looks like you are all coming with me then, lets make good time out of the city then we can slow down a bit, I think we can make a tavern before night fall.

DORANUS - I will ask Tilly who that madman was who seemed intent on killing us.

TILLY - Just someone looking for a friend of mine, not sure why.

Leaving Jundarr through the main city gates and a quiet journey north.

Time - 11:20am
Date - 11th March
Weather - fine but a little cloudy

The characters and Tilly have no further issues as they travel through the city and out of the main city gates.  They head north along a road which after a few miles turns into a dirt track.  All is quiet and the PC's rest while Tilly takes the horse and cart at no more than a walking pace towards their first stop at the village of Crescent Hilt about 10 miles North from Jundarr.

It is 4:40pm when they arrive at Crescent Hill and Tilly takes them directly to the tavern, the 'Tanners Wife'.
The oracle is consulted to see if everything is as it should be at the 'Tanners Wife',  roll d20 = 15 d6 = 6, so 'Yes' and +1 intervention point (+2 intervention points now).

GM - Tilly stops the Horse and Cart outside the Tanners Wife tavern in the sleepy village of Crescent Hill, she secures the horse and leads you all into the tavern.  The landlady, one 'Melonie Tanner' seems delighted to see Tilly, and calls out her name asking what she can get her.

TILLY- Afternoon Mel, can we have a table, that one by the window seats five and its free, can you bring us all something to eat, I suppose its beef stew again, and five ales will be welcomed, been a long journey. Oh, and my friend Alrik here will pay.

GM - You all sit around the table, Alrik looks a little displeased at having to pay for the food, he does and it leaves him with just a 6 silvers to his name, Melanie Tanner asks if they will be staying the night as she only has two rooms available, the third id already taken, Tilly says they will and two rooms will do, the three girls will share one, the boys the other and Doranus will pay.  

The tavern is quiet all evening, just a few locals popping in and out, by 9.00pm Tilly calls it a night, she wants a good early start in the morning and leaves the PC's who realise that Tilly has paid for nothing.  Soon the Tanners Wife Tavern empties of patrons and the PC's retire for the evening to.

Part 3, to journey on or stay and solve a crime, that is the decision to be made. 


Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Solo 'Through Sunken Lands' RPG, Part 1, setting the adventure up.

Outlining the game setup, characters and other useful info.

 I am going to run a solo adventure using Flatland Games Through Sunken Lands RPG.  Its much the same as Beyond the Wall just more Fritz Leiber or Michael Moorcock than Ursula le Guin.

The main aim of this post is to set the scene, flesh out PC's and any important NPC's and give myself some idea of the aim of the game as far as my PC's are concerned, I want the characters to have a clear reason for setting out on this adventure and not just be passengers in a game with no direction, I want the oracle to create plenty of twists and turns along the way but there should be a clear goal for the PC's to aim for right from the outset.

I will be using Zathrum 2.2/MUNE modified gm emulator this time as well as dipping into Zathrum 2.2, UNE will be useful for quick NPC's, online random word generator for hints and some of my own rules as well.

There are 4 player characters,

Sana, a Level 2 Barbarian,
Base Attack Bonus 2, Initiative 4
Strength 13, Dexterity 13, Constitution 15, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 9, Charisma 12.
Armour Class 11, Hit Points 19, Fortune Points 3
Skills - Stealth, Intimidation
Trait - Panthers Grace
Knack - Resilience
Weapons - Spear, dagger.

Sana was captured by Pirate Slavers and sold to a wealthy merchant.  8 lunar months ago, she escaped captivity and took with her some fine silks stolen from the merchant.   She hopes to never meat the merchant again but if she ever comes across the Pirates Slavers she has pledged to kill them all.
Sana found employment onboard the ship the Jade Dragon, things had seemed to be going well.

Doranus Zall, a level 2 mage, ex temple keeper.
Base Attack Bonus 1, Initiative 2
Strength 9, Dexterity 10, Constitution 11, Intelligence 18, Wisdom 13, Charisma 11.
Armour Class 10, Hit Points 11, Fortune Points 3
Skills - Athletics, Religious Law
Class Attributes, Sense Magic, spellcasting
Cantrips - Second Sight, Blessing
Spells - Command Elements (water)
Rituals - Endure the Elements, Aura of Power, Witch's Watchman
Trait - Child of the sea
Weapons - Dagger, Short sword.

Doranus was doing well as a priest at a temple devoted to the elemental ruler of water until his assistant priest accused him of stealing from the temple, Doranus pleaded his innocence but was not believed and thrown out of his temple and his home.  That was 7 lunar months ago, since then he has been working on the ship the jade dragon, he thought things seemed to be going well.

Marianne, a level 2 bard (rouge).
Base Attack Bonus 1, Initiative 5
Strength 12, Dexterity 14, Constitution 10, Intelligence 11, Wisdom 10, Charisma 15.
Armour Class 11, Hit Points 16, Fortune Points 5
Skills - Athletics, Playing the Lute, Pickpocket, Intimidation, Stealth
Class Attributes, Fortune Favour, Highly Skilled
Trait - Friendly Face
Weapons, light crossbow, dagger
She has an wonderous lute of strange origin.

Marianne was a pupil to one of the greatest bards in the land, until he was found murdered and Marianne was found guilty of the foul deed.  Somehow she managed to escape just before being put to death herself, escaping with her prized lute and a few odds and ends.  That was 6 lunar months ago, she found herself in the service of the captain of the jade dragon galley, things had seemed to be going well.

Alrak, a level 2 Eldritch Warrior-Mage
Base Attack Bonus 2, Initiative 3
Strength 9, Dexterity 12, Constitution 13, Intelligence 15,Wisdom 11, Charisma 13.
Armour Class 16, Hit Points 13, Fortune Points 3
Skills - Command, Investigation
Class Attributes, Sense Magic, spellcasting, weapon specialization
Cantrips - Magic Light
Spells - Healing Touch
Rituals - Bind Familia, Arcane Experiments, Waves Friends
Trait - Fighting Finesse
Weapons - Longbow, Eldritch Blade

Alrak is the descendant of a claimant to the old imperial throne, living a good life in a wealthy privileged home, until his cousin, Jarkloom, accused him of breaking up his marriage, he protested his innocence but he was forced to leave in disgrace.
With nowhere else to go he joined the galley ship the Jade Dragon, that was 5 lunar months ago and things have not been going well, they got a whole lot worse when he tried to punish the captain for not making offerings to the sea gods.

At this point I am going to roll up one very important NPC, Tilly, a rogue from Jundarr and member of the Thieves Guild.

Tilly, a level 3 Rogue.
Base Attack Bonus 1,  Initiative 6
Strength 11, Dexterity 14, Constitution 9 Intelligence 13, Wisdom 12, Charisma 13.
Armour Class 12, Hit Points 18, Fortune Points 5
Skills - Trapping, Deceit, Alertness, Gossip, Stealth
Class Attributes, Fortune Favour, Highly Skilled
Trait - Gifted Climber
Weapons, 2 hand crossbow, dagger
A local Aristocrat owes Tilly a big favour.

Tilly has come into possession of a document which details the location of an ancient treasure hoard, she thinks she has worked out its exact location, she will need the PCs help to get it. What, at first, the PC's won't be aware of (but Tilly will), is that the wealthy merchant Tilly stole the document from wants it back and will send agents out to reclaim the stolen property by whatever means.  The further away from Jundarr Tilly is the harder it will be for the agents to find her.

At the start of each day I will ask the oracle if there is an attempt by one of the merchants agents on the party, each days travel away from Jundarr will result in a -2 to the die roll, so after 5 days travel there will be only a slim chance of an agent appearing (this must be travel away from Jundarr, if the party stop at the first location for 5 days they will still only be 1 days travel away from Jundarr so only a -2 to the oracle roll).  If an agent attacks I will roll one up using UNE.

Distance, Time and Weather.

I want to keep track of time and also how far the group need to travel each day in order to reach their destination.  It will take the group at best 5 days to get to where Tilly thinks the treasure should be, each day has an end point, someplace where the group can stay and rest, that could be a village, a wayside inn, an old ruin, Tilly will have mapped it out, anything that slows them down will produce a further issue for them, and it may well be they need to rest overnight in the wilderness, something they may not be equipped for.

In addition, each point at which they rest in the evening may well throw up a further mini adventure for the party, this could slow them down by days and that could result in the merchant's agents finding them.  

Beyond the Wall Further Afield has a lunar calendar included, and to keep it simple, each day will be split into 24 hours.  I want to see what the weather does, its not pleasant out in the open in the pouring rain, your chainmail may get rusty to say the least so a simple way of deciding the weather needs to be found.

Daily Movement Rates.

The rules in Beyond the Wall state that characters may walk 20 miles a day on good terrain, this is the same distance as given in the old 'Stormbringer' RPG, so I have basically ripped the daily movement rates from there.

WALKING - 20 old miles per day assuming an average of 10 hours of walking.
MARCHING - 40 old miles assuming Forced Marching for 10 hours a day (you will need to be fit to do that).
RIDING HORSEBACK - 60 old miles assuming a walk-trot-walk for 10 to 12 hours per day unhindered by men on foot or slow moving carts/wagons
TRAVEL BY SHIP - 100 to 200 old miles per day assuming a fair wind and a competent captain.

Terrain Effects

MAJOR RIVERS - take one full day to cross unless a bridge, ford or ferry is available
FORESTS - reduce movement by 1/3
ROLLING HILLS - reduce movement by 1/3
MOUNTAINS - reduce movement by 2/3
MARSHES & SWAMPS - reduce movement by 3/4 unless using a boat on waterways
DESERT - reduce movement by 1/2
ICE OR SNOW reduce movement by 3/4

the above conditions are cumulative (walking for 10 hours in snowy mountains would reduce movement from 20 old miles by 3/4 for snow so 5 old miles then a further 2/3 for mountains so just 1 old miles per day.

A quick round up.

We now have our four characters, I know they have become friends aboard the Jade Dragon ship and something is going to happen to them so they find themselves stuck in Jundarr where they will meet Tilly whom they will end up on an adventure to find a lost treasure hoard which Tilly thinks she knows the location of.  A wealthy merchant is determined to stop Tilly and will send out agents to do so.  There may be opportunities for some mini adventure along the way.

Part 2, we get things going. 

Saturday, 11 September 2021

Beyond the Wall, Further Afield, threat packs and new characters for the game.

 I finally did it, I picked up a PDF copy of  Beyond the Wall, Further Afield from Flatland Games, downloaded from and I am delighted with it, really expanding and adding to the game with rules for creating shared sandbox campaigns, integrating new characters into existing groups, rules for creating magical items and the bit that really interested me, threat packs for dynamic villains and dangers effecting the village and beyond.

Beyond the Wall, Further Afield cover art.

My idea had been to use Beyond the Wall (BthW) with the Bay of Sprits setting by Roan Studios, (my first solo BthW adventure was with a group of young characters hailing from Winterton, a village in the Bay of Spirits), whilst at the same time creating a campaign setting from scratch for D&D 5e, however, the more I looked into the Bay of Spirits setting and the more I read BthW Further Afield, the more I began to lean towards swapping things around, 5e or perhaps a OSR DnD clone for Bay of Spirits and BthW RPG using my own setting.

There are several reason for this dramatic, (well, dramatic for me), change of direction.  First, in hinterland, a guide to the wilderness it says that the Bay of Spirits is a land of druids, that they excelled in this setting 'above all other classes', so they will play a big part in the campaign.  BthW doesn't really do Druids, sure its not impossible to create a Druid type for BthW but other systems offer druids as a class or at least a sub class.

Secondly, I sat down the other night to create some 5e characters for my own campaign world and discovered that I was just creating the same characters as I had done for my BthW games, I had rolled up a Cleric which was my BthW devout acolyte, a Fighter same as Hugo my would be knight, a ranger like my young woodsman, a bard to mirror my local performer, and an Elven Sorceress which was effectively my Fae Foundling in my BthW game.  To stop myself from just running the same characters with different names in a different setting, if I swapped things around I would come at character creation from a different perspective and make a more interesting character selection, focus more on druids for DnD, and a little more diverse selection for BthW.

And that brings me to threats,  There is no reason why I could not use threats in a Bay of Spirits campaign but it would have meant either altering the ability scores of my five existing characters which I felt uncomfortable doing, or creating some new characters anyway.   On top of that, I felt I could integrate the threat packs I wanted to use in a brand new, built up from the bottom campaign easier than in a ready made campaign like Bay of Spirits. I would also be able to run my BthW game in the way it is designed to be played, creating the setting as the characters are created.

(Note: the section in Further Afield dealing with threats states that if you introduce threats into an existing campaign you simply ignore the roll which would change the characters ability scores).

Before I start to create new characters and the campaign world, I need to decided which Threats I will use in the campaign.  There are 4 threats in the Further Afield book and further threat packs in some of the supplements, I chose three, 
    a:  the Risen Dead threat from Across the Vail supplement booklet.
    b:  the Grey Prince from Further Afield.
    c:  the Imperial City from Further Afield.

Choosing three threat packs is not recommended but if the campaign starts in autumn or winter then the Imperial City threat will be dormant for the first 3 to 6 months and I have this idea of the Imperial City in the south coming into conflict with the rulers of the lands to the north, the characters home village being on the border it will see plenty of unwanted visits from outriders and soldiers of both sides.

With the threat packs chosen I can now begin to think about my characters and which playbooks I will be using.  I am going to make 6 characters, I may not use them all at first but, as happened in my first BthW game, it possible that the solo system I use may force me to introduce a new character to the game, and if I have them pre-rolled with a connection to each other it should be easier to fit them in to the adventure.  

The playbooks I plan to use are
    - The nobleman's wild daughter (this means there will be a castle somewhere near the village).
    - The elven ranger (there are elves, dwarves and other fae in our setting)
    - The knightless squire (second character from the castle and a good fighter for the group)
    - The self taught mage (every party needs a magic user) 
    - The adventurous tradesman (because he starts with a cart and a mule)  
    - The local performer (because I like bards)

In my next post I will set about creating the characters

Update - 15/09/21 - The PDF for Flatland Games 'Through Sunken Lands RPG was discounted on drivethroughRPG and I could not resist,  it comes with details of Jundarr the Impossible city and brief notes on the rest of the sunken lands, so my plans have now changed a little, and for now I am going to play a few swords and sorcery style games using the rules and setting contained in that RPG along with Further Afield.  I may then look again at what to do with the Bay of Spirits.  Yes I am fickle.

Thursday, 9 September 2021

Flashing Blades a solo RPG campaign, Part 7 - Epilogue & some thought on the game



Dupont and the two girls head off on horseback and manage to catch up with the Landladies son and the Baron.  They are informed about what has occurred and decide to return to the chateau to confront the Baroness.

Artos and Guiliume make their wat back to the chateau as well, along with the landlady in the hopes of detaining the Baroness, sadly it is too late and madam Pompadour has already left, members of the household staff say she left on horseback towards Paris but they cannot be sure.

When the Baron and the rest arrive back at the chateau, he and the landlady tell all.  The Baroness wanted the Baron dead, his house, money and estate meant more to her than him personally.  The landlady had overheard a plot between the Baroness and the hitman, who they believed to be her lover, for the Baron to be assassinated and made to look like someone else had done the deed.  Indeed, it is believed the hitman locked up the Baroness and the servants.  

The landlady foiled the plot and was able to get the baron away before he was murdered but the hitman followed them to the tavern and her son only just managed to get the Baron to safety before any harm could come to him, the rest we know about.

The Baron assumes his wife will head for Paris where she has some high ranking contacts and friends, but he expects no further trouble from her.  He thanks everyone for their help.  The PC's ask about the strange cry they heard earlier that day but no one seems to know anything about it, perhaps it was just the wind.

A few thoughts

I was happy enough with the game, it was certainly fun to allow the dice and the oracle dictate where the game went, although on some occasions I had to stear it back on track, but I think thats something every GM has to do on occasions.

It was interesting to see where the dice and random words led me, sometimes I was a little lost as to where the game was going but a few dice rolls later all made sense, I think my double oracle roll, d20 first, d6 second worked to, mixing Zathrum and MUNE was for me a winner.

As to the rules themselves, they still stand up well to this day, from a solo prospective I felt the combat system was an issue, it works well in a multi-player game where you don't know what actions each player is going to attempt, bur falls down when in a solo game you are fully aware of what everyone intends to do, and it was this issue which rather forced me to hurry the ending of the game, I need to spend some time working on a system to randomise the combat procedure before I play the nest scenario.

Speaking of the next scenario, I have a couple of ideas about what that will be, there are plenty of plot hooks that never got resolved.  Where did the Baroness go to, Paris would be good and a great place for the PC's to go to, Elaine is wanted there by both the authorities and the criminal gang she worked for, the two retired veterans want to sell their precious wine and Rosalie has a score to settle there.  Another thing that interests me is the fact they never discovered what the scream was about, the village gossip was certain there was a murder, and what were the Dragoons doing in the first post I made, also what is the mysterious road sign about.

For now I will leave these questions unanswered until I get to grips with a few more of the games mechanics, next up I will return to my Beyond the Wall fantasy game and I also will be documenting setting up a second OSR fantasy campaign.

For now though, all for one and one for all!

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Flashing Blades a solo RPG campaign, Part 6 - The first adventure draws to a conclusion

When we left our 4 swashbuckling adventures in the Loire Valley, they were at the Chateau Heras having just has a bit of a one sided fight with two unknown adversaries,  their subsequent search of the chateau to find the locked up servants resulted in them finding the wife of the current chateau owner, Baron Pompadour, it was assumed that Madam Pompadour had been murdered, turns out that was untrue and indeed it seems the Baron Himself is missing, assumed abducted. 

Before we begin with the next scene, a quick reminded that I am using the oracle from Zathrum solo engine with elements from MUNE added to that, also I use an online random verb generator and other word generators where necessary to prompt me when I get a little stuck for what happen next.  which, as this is my first attempt at Flashing blades solo or otherwise, is very much likely to happen.  

Scene 5 - Some information is discovered

The PC's having found the Baroness are now aware of the Barons abduction and there is still a possible murder, I set up scene 5 by rolling on both the theme and the complication table in Zathrum 2.2, I get the following rolls
Theme - roll on d20 = 19, Discovery 
Complication - roll on d 20 = 17, No Communication

I initially take that as something to do with the Baron himself, though I am at a loss as to what exactly.
Tempted though I am to roll further on some of the other tables Zathrum has to offer I decided to leave it there for now as there are some serious question to be asked of the Baroness Pompadour.

The Baroness is taken to the main room in the Chateau and when she comes around Dupont and the adventures carefully ask questions about the Barons apparent kidnap.

First, I as the oracle if everything is as it should be, Roll on d20 = 14, roll on d6 = 1, so that is a 'Yes'.
I ask the Oracle if Baroness Pompadour knows who the abductor is.  Roll on d 20 = 20, roll on d 6 = 1, a straight 'Yes'
I decide to randomly roll to see who the Baroness thinks has abducted the Baron, a roll on d8 = 4 and that turns out to be the Touchy Shopkeeper who I have already decided to be the tavern owner.
I ask the Oracle if the Baroness knows why the Tavern owner would wish to murder the Baron, roll on d 20 = 11, d6 = 4, so a 'Yes (apparently)"
I generate two random verbs to give ne some clue as to why and get 'thaw' and 'admit'.  
I ask the Oracle if the Baron owns the Tavern, roll d20= 1, roll d6 =6, so a 'No' and +1 intervention point (now +2 intervention).
I ask the Oracle if the bar tavern owner owes the Baron money, roll d20 = 3, roll d6 =1 so a straight 'No'.
I ask the Oracle if Baroness Pompadour has received any ransom demands, roll d20 = '9', roll d6 = '3' so we get a 'No (While)'
I roll on the Emotion table in Zanthum and roll on d20 = 4, thats 'fear'.
I try and make sense of all these die roll.

The Baroness tells Dupont and the PC's that her husband seemed fearful of the tavern owner, but whenever she brought the subject up with him he became very frosty towards her, saying it was nothing and she should not bother him with questions about the woman, then one day he thawed and admitted that he was sure the woman was out to kill him but she could not get anymore information out of him.  She has certainly had 'No Communication' from anyone about a ransom, not yet anyway.

During this time the cook found and released the other staff who now have the two badly injured men from the courtyard tied up and under lock and key.

Artos is the first to remember that the Baroness was seen near an old signpost with a man who became aggressive when approached, he asks the Baroness about the incident  

I ask the Oracle if Baroness Pompadour will tell us who the man was, roll on d20 = 10, roll on d6 =1, so a flat No.
I ask the Oracle if the Baroness admits she was there and rolld20 =1, d6=5 so a 'No (on the contrary)

The Baroness says she has never been out in the village alone, certainly not in the evening and she she knows nothing of an old signpost outside the village and she is certainly not in the habit of meeting men!
She suggests that rather than interrogate her the groups time would be better served questioning the tavern owner about her poor husbands kidnapping.
Dupont apologises and tells her they will indeed head back to the village and the tavern.
Elaine asks one final question before they depart, she says they heard a strange cry, a wail, coming from the direction of the Chateau earlier in the morning, does she have any idea what that might have been

I roll on the Oracle, roll d20 = 8, roll d6 =1, so a straight 'No'

Before they leave the chateau, the adventures go and say goodbye to the cook and also speak to the other staff.

I ask the Oracle if the staff know who locked them all up, roll d20 = 6, d6=2, so a 'No (in order to)'.

In order to find out more Guilaume threatens the two ruffians.

I ask the oracle if the two ruffians are able or willing to say more, roll d20 = 13, d 6 =4, so a 'Yes(but)
I ask the oracle if the two ruffians know who it was asked them to guard the chateau roll d 20 = 19, d 6 = 3 so a 'Yes (and)'
I ask the oracle if it was the tavern owner, roll d20=11, d6 = 4, so a 'Yes (apparently).

The two ruffians tell Guilaume that they were just paid to stop anyone entering or leaving the Chateau, and that they were approached by a lady who paid them to guard the place and that lady was, apparently, the lady who runs and owns the tavern.

Discovering that it seems the Baroness is correct in what she says about the tavern owner, Rosaline tells the staff to keep the ruffians here and to see to the Baroness and Dupont and the adventurers go back to the coach and head to the village and the tavern. 

Scene 6 - the tavern revisited.
Dupont and the PC's swiftly arrive back at the tavern.  I set up scene 6 by rolling on both the theme and the complication table in Zathrum 2.2, I get the following rolls
Theme - roll on d20 = 11, Escape or Pursue
Complication - roll on d20 = 3, Betrayal

I ask the Oracle if everything is as it should be at the tavern, roll d20 = 19, d6 =6 so Yes and + 1 intervention, thats the third intervention point, so we get an intervention.
Roll d6 on the MUNE intervention table and I get 4 advance plot.  

As the PC's pull up outside the tavern a figure emerges from the tavern door, it is the tavern owner, she makes a run for it and the PC's give chase.

I am not sure how to handle chases but I decided a dexterity roll will work, if they roll under their dexterity then they have a chance of catching the woman, if she rolls under her dex (which is 10), she has a chance to get away.
The tavern owner dex 10 rolls 8 on d 20, so 2 under.
Guilaume dex 11, rolls 13 on d20, to slow to catch her
Rosalie dex 17 rolls 15 on d20, 2 under so she keeps up with the woman but not able to catch her yet.
Elaine dex 14, rolls 5 and Artos dex 15 rolls 4, both well under their rating, the both catch and hold the tavern owner.

The tavern owner struggles to get free but cannot, she is dragged back into the tavern and forced to sit down.

I ask the oracle if there is anyone else in the tavern, roll d20 = 15, d6 = 1 so a straight 'Yes'
I ask the oracle if it is locals in the bar, roll d20 = 6, d6 =2, so 'No(in order to)'
I as if the Baron is in the tavern, roll d20=10, d6= 2, so 'No (apparently)
I ask if its the woman's son, roll d20=1, No and as this is the third roll I ignore anything in the brackets.
I roll d8 on my list of NPC's to see who is in the tavern and get a 5, that the ;Sinful Hitman'.

The tavern has been cleared of its patrons, and it appears that the owners son and the PC's horses and cart have gone, as they push the landlady into a chair, they hear a cough at the bar, standing there is a stranger holding a pair of loaded pistols.

Elaine is the first to react, she takes her dagger and holds it to the throat of the landlady and tells the hitman to put down his pistols or the lady dies.

The hitman replies in a cold voice that the woman was going to die anyway and he fires both pistols at the landlady, one shot hits her in the left arm, the second shot misses.
Artos and Guilaume rush towards the hit man but before they get to him a loud shot rings out.  Duponts coachman had entered the room unseen and fired his musket at the hitman, its a deadly shot to the head, the hitman falls, killed outright.

The landlady holding her wounded arm looks towards the dead hitman and says that he was trying to murder the Baron, her son has escaped with the Baron in the PC's cart, they are heading towards the next village and if the PC's hurry they will catch up with them on the road.   She tells them the Baroness has betrayed her husband.

In part 7, I will round off the scenario and give a few thoughts on the game.