Sunday, 30 January 2022

2022 Character Creation Challenge, A Thief for OSRIC


Day 30 of the character creation challenge,  the penultimate day, I am for sure a little fatigued with it all now but I only have two more characters to make then I will have completed the challenge and, in a small way, I can be proud of having seen the whole thing through.

I was unsure which rules set to do for today but then rummaging around my laptops hard drive I found OSRIC.  I have never played the game, indeed I had completely forgotten I had it so this seems like a great time to roll up a character from it.

I have gone down the high risk route of rolling 3d6 for each ability and with a dex of 16 and a decent cha, but a few low 9's in there to, I think a Rogue works well.

Here we go then.

NAME : Shona McDonald    Class Rogue      Level 1

STR: 9     DEX : 16    CON : 9    INT : 9    WIS : 12    CHA : 14

HIT POINTS : (d6) 6    AC (Leather) 6    MONEY 40gp

ABILITES :    Backstab, Climb 85%, Find Traps 25%,Hide in Shadows 20%, Move Quietly 20%, Open Lock/Disarm Traps 40%, Pick Pocket 35%, Hear Noise, 10%, Read Languages 1%, Thieves Cant.

Bonuses : bend bars etc 1, bend minor objects 1-6, Surprise +!, AC -2, +1 Languages, Max Henchmenn 6, +5 loyalty, +10 Reaction Bonus, System Shock 65, Survive resurection/Raise Dead 70

Saving Rolls.

Aimed Magic Items : 14, Breath Weapons : 16, Death, Paralysis, Poison 13, Petrification/Polymorph 12, Spells for unlisted categories 15.


Dagger 1d4 hits
ShortSword 1d6 hits


Shona lives in the costal town of Stoneybridge, named so because of a stone bridge over the river which calls a halt to the travels of all but the small boats that enter the harbour.

Shona can usually be found in Nemos Nook Inn on the harbour where she hangs out with Weasel and Kid Sinister who most good folk wouldn't wish to know but then most good folk don't mix with the sailors and unsavoury sorts who frequent Nemos, a place where a gold coin could make your dreams come true or get you killed, its your choice.  

 Having no one else to call family, Shona sees Weasel and Kid as her brothers and they look out for each other, conning and stealing from the drunks and easy pray who make up the clientele of Nemos, its not good but its the only way they know to get by, the only way they have ever known. 

But Stoneybridge is a small place and Shona knows that there are those who she has come to the attention of who don't like her 'muscling' in on what they see as theirs, and then there are the town watch who are ramping up their campaign to clean the harbour up, wild ones like Shona, Weasel and Kid could find themselves in the dungeon or swinging by the neck from the end of a rope.   She knows there are other places, other towns out there where her name isn't known and a girl still can easily steal for a living and if that fails a wilderness with hidden treasure hordes only a thief could find and procure.

Maybe its time to say goodbye to Weasel and Kid and 

Adventure On!


  1. Growing fish about to leave small pond! Very cool.

    1. I am of a mind to find out more about Weasel, Kid Sinister and Shona, but I think the names I gave them are more evocative of a darker, pulpy fantasy-noir setting than the traditional Fantasy of OSRIC, I may have to invest in a new RPG rules set but I sure would like to see how things play out for Shona.
