Monday, 3 January 2022

2022 Character Creation Challenge day 3 - a random Blood & Treasure adventurer.

 For my second Blood & Treasure character, I though I would roll one up from scratch, randomly, just see what comes up, (yesterdays character was engineered to be a Druid as I would like my game to be Druid orientated).

I am currently using the first edition of Blood & Treasure, if the game works for me, (and I hope it will), I may switch to the second edition, but for now I am happy with what I have whilst I try the game out.

The rules state that you roll 3d6 for each ability, so for better or worse here goes.  (the rules also say you

can roll 4d6 and drop the lowest but I am being brave).  

I also need to choose a race, 7 races are given in the rules and I am going to pick one at random, should this character be used in the Bay of Sprits setting then they are unlikely to be a halfling and are more likely to be a human so I roll 2d8, 2-3 = Elf, 4-5 = Dwarf, 6-7 = Gnome, 8-9 = Half Elf, 10-11 = Half Orc, 12-15 = Human, 16 = Halfling.  I roll 7 so get a Gnome.  Gnomes get -1 to STR but  +1 to CON, so we ability scores of

STR : 8  (-1) Modifier applies to melee attack rolls, damage using melee and thrown weapons (*4)
DEX : 12 (0)
CON : 8 (-1) Modifier applies to each roll of a hit die, all fortitude saving rolls(*1)
INT : 10 (0)
WIS : 14 (+1) Modifier applies to will saving throws, listen at doors, survival & tracking (*2)
CHA : 13 (+1) Modifier applies to reaction rolls (*3), tasks involving trickery, number of followers allowed.

Modifiers are in brackets, my Gnome is not very strong and has a poor constitution, but makes up for those by being wise and likable.

Gnomes have a natural affinity for illusion spells. As my gnome has a charisma score of 13 they can cast the following spells, each once per day: Audible glamer, dancing lights and prestidigitation. Gnomes receive a +2 bonus on Will saving throws against illusions.

Gnomes speak common and gnomish.

With the ability rolls above my gnome is limited to the following  four choices of Class
Cleric, Magic User, Sorcerer, Thief
With a WIS of 14 they are probably more suited to being a Cleric, so that's what I go for.

I decide to make this character a male gnome and Neutral/Good alignment.

Gnomes have a Base Movement of 20' and 60' dark vision as well a the Knack 'Listen at doors'.

I go to for a suitable Gnome name as I cant think of any and I pick out 'Galin Finebelch', sounds like a grand gnomish name to me.

So bringing it all together we have

 Name : Galin Finebelch    Class : Cleric    Race: Gnome    Gender : Male    Level : 1   
Alignment : Neutral/Good

Ability Scores

STR : 8  (-1) Modifier applies to melee attack rolls, damage using melee and thrown weapons (*4)
DEX : 12 (0)
CON : 8 (-1) Modifier applies to each roll of a hit die, all fortitude saving rolls(*1)
INT : 10 (0)
WIS : 14 (+1) Modifier applies to will saving throws, listen at doors, survival & tracking (*2)
CHA : 13 (+1) Modifier applies to reaction rolls (*3), tasks involving trickery, number of followers allowed.

BASE SPEED : 20 feet
LANGUAGES : Common, Gnomish

HIT POINTS : 5 (1d6-1) 
ARMOUR CLASS : 14 (10 +3 for wearing studded leather armour)
SAVING THROWS - Fort : 13, Ref : 15, Will : 13 (15 v illusion)

SPELLS PER DAY - Level 0 : 3, LEVEL 1 : 1 


SKILLS : Decipher Script, Riding
KNACK : Listen at doors
FEATS :     Extend Spell : You can cast one spell per day with double the normal duration

MONEY : (cha x 10gp) 99gp

WEAPONS : Hammer, Damage 1d4-1 Range (thrown) 20/60 feet, Weight 2lbs Cost 1gp
                       Light Mace, Damage 1D4 Weight 4lbs, Cost 5gp
ARMOUR : Studded Leather  +3 to A/C Weight 20lbs Cost 25gp

EQUIPMENT : (until I get the good cleric into a game I will refrain from buying equipment as I am not sure what he will need)

HEIGHT 2'4"    WEIGHT 48lbs  AGE : 64

Galin is a devout of a lesser god. Short in stature and a little portly for his size, Galin is likeable, approachable and easy to get along with.  
With his long white beard and white hair, Galin looks order than his 64 gnomish years but he finds that a positive as folks are more disposed to take him seriously than if he looked younger.
He wears studded leather armour and fights with a light mace or hammer, though his lack of strength means he tries to avoid fights relying on his whit's and magic instead.

*1 fortitude saving roll applies to fighting off disease, being turned to stone etc.

*2 will saving roll applies to negating the effect of spells and powers, and avoiding surprise. Also for Druids, additional spells they can cast per day in the way high intelligence does for magic‐users (1 additional first level spell per day).

*3 reaction rolls help determine how monsters and NPC's react to a character.

*4 applies also to the following tasks: Bend bars, break down doors, climb sheer surfaces, jump and swimming

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