Thursday, 6 January 2022

2022 Character Creation Challenge Day 6 - Another character for Blood & Treasure

 For day 6 of the #charactercreationchallenge its back to Blood & Treasure, I want to see if I can put together a decent party of adventures for the game, a mix of classes and races.  Last time we had  Galin Finebelch, a gnomish cleric created very much at random and by just rolling 3d6 for his attributes, this time I am going to roll 4d6 and use the best three rolls for the attributes, then pick a race and class, lets see what happens,

STR: 12 (rolled 5,5,2,2, so drop a 2)

DEX: 7 (rolled 3,2,2,2, so drop a 2)
CON: 12 (rolled 5,4,3,2, so dropped the 2)
INT: 17 (rolled 6,6,5,1, so dropped the 1)
WIS: 9 (rolled 3,3,3,1, so dropped the 1)
CHA: 15 (rolled 5,5,5,4, so dropped the 4)

So I have a character with a great intelligence and quite charismatic but a low dexterity means he is a little slow and wont be great at archery either.

The ability scores mean this character has a choice of the following classes, Bard, Fighter, Magic User, Sorcerer.  I discount bard as I think a bard should have a much higher dexterity than 7, fighter also gets thrown out as it fails to make use of that high intelligence, sorcerer is possible but with such a high intelligence I make this character a male human magic user.

As a human the character gets +10 to earned experience (I never give xp for simply finding treasure), and 1 bonus feat.
With a high INT score (17) he gets to know 3+2 languages at the start of the game, he can decipher codes, find secret doors & find traps, finally he gets 1 additional 1st and 2nd level spell per day.
As a Magic User he cannot use armour or shields, can only use club, dagger, darts, crossbow and quarterstaff, he has d4 hit dice, Attack 0, Fort 15, Ref 15, Will 13 and can use 3 level 0 and 1 (+! for high int) level 1 spells per day and he must  memorise  the ones he wants to use each morning from his spell book, he starts with 4 level 0 spells and 3 level 1 spells in his book, he automatically knows read magic.

So we have -

  Name : Talenor    Class : Magic User    Race: Human    Gender : Male    Level : 1   

Alignment : Neutral/Good

Ability Scores

STR : 12  (0)
DEX : 7 (-1) modifier applies to Ranged Attack Rolls, A/C, Ref saving throw, some tasks
CON : 12 (0)
WIS : 9 (0)
INT : 17 (+2)Modifier applies to will saving throws, listen at doors, survival & tracking 
CHA : 15 (+1) Modifier applies to reaction rolls, tasks involving trickery, number of followers allowed.

BASE SPEED : 30 feet
LANGUAGES : Common, Gnome, Elf, Goblin, Dwarf

HIT POINTS : 4 (1d4) 
ARMOUR CLASS : 9 (10 -1 for low dex)
SAVING THROWS - Fort : 14, Ref : 14, Will : 14

SPELLS PER DAY - Level 0 : 3, LEVEL 1 : 2 (includes +1 for high INT)
spell book contains 4 level 0 spells, Daze, Light, Ray of Frost, Detect Magic and 3 Level 1 spells, Animate Rope, Shield, Sleep.

SKILLS : decipher codes, find secret doors & find traps
    Empower Spell :  Can cast one spell per day with all its variables doubled.
    Silent Spell :  Can cast 1 spell per day without talking aloud

MONEY : (cha x 10gp) 147gp, 9sp

Dagger         : Damage 1d4, Range (thrown) 20'/40', Weight 1lbs, Cost 2gp
Quaterstaff    : Damage 1d6, Weight 4lbs, Cost 1sp

ARMOUR  :  Non

As a human, Talenor gains +10% to all earned experience (in my games experience is not awarded for simply finding treasure) and gains a bonus 'feat' at first level.

HEIGHT 5'6"    WEIGHT 140lbs    AGE : 24

 A  Magic User casts spells drawn from a spell book and must choose and prepare them in advance (see below). Like other spell casters, a magic user can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day.

Her base daily spell allotment is 3 level 0 spells & 2 level 1 spell.

DESCRIPTION : Talenor is a ruff and ready magic user, caring little for the way he looks except to look like a magic user,  he tends to be very laid back and comes across as someone who really cannot be bothered but if called upon will not hesitate to help those in his party.
He has brown coloured hair, sports a beard, grey green eyes and a somewhat haggard look.

Tending to wear simple clothes of browns and black, Talenor shuns most fineries and wields a dagger and quarterstaff in battle.

He comes across as intelligent with a dry whit and likeable, easy going nature, he finds it hard to stay in one place for long preferring a life travelling the wilderness

(as with previous Blood and Trasure characters, I have left Talenor's description deliberately brief so that I can drop him into any campaign setting, nor have I mentioned a backstory, Talenor's story will start with his first adventure)

EQUIPMENT :  Talenor has a reasonable amount of money to help equip himself before he heads out on his first adventure.  Until he knows what that adventure may be he will refrain from purchasing anything.

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