This is the first session of my Barley campaign using Beyond the Wall Rpg.
For this session l have used the Oracle and it's dice rolling ability as well as some tables from Zathrum 2.2
In addition l have used icons from
Details of the characters, the village and it's npc's are in other posts with the tag Barley.
Scene 1
Hazel, Auden & his wolf Lupina are in the woods just a mile north of Barley looking for herbs.
Theme (zathrum table)
* Roll : 9
Something Unusual
Get two icons from Game-icons,net
Chicken , Hand with paper cut
Interpret these as
Option A - A gold metal mechanical chicken (95%chance)
Option B - find a decapitated hand (5%chance)
* Roll : 37
Hazel finds in the thick undergrowth a golden coloured mechanical hen
* is it the size of a real chicken?
* - Yes
* does it talk
* - Yes, but...
The bird is the size of a small chicken, made from gold and it moves its head and flaps its wings, it also talks but the words make no sense to Hazel.
* can Hazel pick it up?
* - Yes
Hazel uses her skill detect magic to see if the gold bird is magical or not, she adds +2 to her int of 12 so needs to roll 14 or less on d20 to successfully find out
* Roll : 10 - success
Is the bird magical?
* - No, but...
Hazel detects no magic so is certain the bird is just mechanical, but the bird seems almost alive as it flaps its wings, looks up at Hazel and talks in its strange language.
Neither Auden nor Hazel have ever seen anything like the bird before, Hazel puts the bird in her bag and they decide to take it back to the Witches cottage, maybe Flora Brambleberry, the fae chambermaid will know something of its origin or maybe it belongs to the manor in which case Midwinter or Tristram would know.
* does anything else unusual happen on the way back to the village
* - Yes
I get an icon from, Lightning Arc Icon
As they head back to the village, the sky darkens over and bolt of lightning strikes the bag Hazel is carrying containing the bird.
* Is Hazel hurt (likely)
* - Yes
Hazel is thrown to the ground and takes 1d6+1 hits
* Roll : 5+1
Hazel takes 6 hit points brining her total down to 0, she now needs immediate medical attention or will die in 10 rounds.
*can they get to the village in time? (unlikely)
* - No, but...
Auden realising that Hazel will never make it back to the village remembers that one of the herbs he has collected in his bag is restorative, the pulls the leaves off the herbs and forces Hazel to eat them, it is just enough to give Hazel, with Audens help, the strength to slowly get back to the village.
scene 2
Midwinter & Elowen are sitting under a tree on the edge of a small wood just outside the village doing nothing but enjoying the sun.
* Roll : 4
Hidden person Icon (Ambush), Stone Bust Icon (represents famous aristocrat)
I interpret these as
Option A - Midwinter and Elowen are snuck upon by someone or some creatures (95%)
Option B - Soldiers led by a famous nobleman enter the village (5%)
* Roll : 28
What sneaks up on the two girls 1-2 = 1d4+1 goblins, 3-4 = 1d3+1 bandits, 5-6 = 1d2+1 beastmen
* Roll : 2
They are ambushed by
* Roll : 2+1=
3 Goblins (plague trait)
Goblin stats
Hit Dice: 1d6 (4 HP)
AC: 14
Attack: +1 to hit, 1d6 (shortsword)
do Elowen and Midwinter pot the Goblins in time to react
* Roll : 9 on zathrum odds table gives
Yes =45%
* Roll : 31
As the Goblins sneak up on our Heros, one of them is a little clumsy and breaks a twig on the ground, that and the strange smell from them is enough to alert Elowen who sights two goblins out of the corner of hey eye, she quickly draws her shortsword, Midwinter's attention is likewise draw to the third Goblin and she is quickly on her feet and draws her long sword but the Goblins have initiative and strike first
Goblin 1 v Elowen
* Roll : 18 hits for
* Roll : 4 damage
Goblin 2 v Elowen
* Roll : 4 a miss
Goblin 3 v Midwinter
* Roll : 13 Midwinter just manages to avoid its blow
Elowen v Goblin 1
* Roll : 6, Elowen misses but use a fortune point to get a re-roll
* Roll : 14, better she strikes this time, causing
* Roll : 4 damage, one goblin is down
Midwinter v Goblin 2
* Roll : 3+3 to hit, parrying the goblins strike she swings wildly with her sword but the goblin easily gets out of the way
Round 2 (normal Initiative)
Elowen v Goblin 2
* Roll : 20+4, Elowen strikes true and causes
* Roll : 5 hit points of damage, the second goblin is down
Midwinter v Goblin 3
* Roll : 4
Midwinter elects to use a fortune point for a reroll
* Roll : 5
She seems unable to strike the nimble goblin with het long sword
Goblin 3 v Midwinter
* Roll : 2
but the goblin is so busy avoiding Midwinters sword he cannot hit her
Round 3
Midwinter v Goblin 3
* Roll : 19+3 =22
This time Midwinter makes no mistake with her strike and a swift blow to the goblin causes
* Roll : 7 damage
The last of the three goblins falls to the ground.
"Where did they come from?", Elowen asks the question to no one.
"You are hurt, we best get you back to the village, Hazel will have a healing potion she can give you, I best seek out captain, tell him what's happened, he can send the guard out and they can deal with those goblins".
As they head back to the village the sky darkens over and they see a bolt of lightning strike the woods about a mile north of the Barley.
As these were Plague Goblins both Elowen and Midwinter need to make a save vrs poison or they catch the plague
They both need to roll 14+
Elowen rolls 19, Midwinter 16, they are not affected by the plague carried by the goblins, thankfully.
Scene 3
Tristram is on his way to the monastery of St. Vilberie on an errand for his farther, Godwin, Lord of the Manor of Barley.
* Roll : 8 (for theme)
* Roll : 1
Option A = Something hard to understand or explain (0% probability)
* Roll : 5
Option B = An obscure speech or writing (100% probability)
Does something happen to Tristram on the way to the monastery (likely)
* - Yes, but...
I get two icons from Game-icons,net
cloak and dagger and Mirror Mirror
Is someone signalling to someone or thing?
* - Yes, but...
can Tristram see who is signalling
* - No
As Tristram passes the ancient ruins of the old Imperial villa which is between Barley and the Monastery, he notices the sunlight seems to be reflected, flashing, in a strange way, like some sort of code, from within the ruins of the old villa, he decides to try and sneak up to see if he can find out what is causing the strange light.
Tristram tries to sneak up on the person who is signalling
* Roll : 3
Yes he does easily
He decides to hide and just observe the person signalling as he is not a good fighter.
Can he see who the person is signalling to.
* - Yes
Tristram spots someone signalling back from the village.
As he watches the people signalling the sky darkens over and a bolt of lightning strikes somewhere near the woods North of Barley.
The signalling stops and two more men in chainmail step out of the ruin, they have three horses and speak to each other in a language Tristram does not understand.
** Do they spot Tristrum
** No (while)
As the three men mount their horses Tristram manages to slip away unnoticed and he makes his way to the Monastery.
Tristrum describes what he saw to the Abbot who looks troubled and tells Tristram to return to his father and tell him what he has seen , tell him that it looks like outriders from the Imperial city are spying on the area and it's possible they have a local aiding them.
** does anything happen to Tristram on his way back to the manor
** yes
Rolling on Zathrum tables l get damaged item. ** is the item something dropped by the outsiders?
** no (while)
While Tristram was at the Abbey the outsiders left the Barley area in a hurry but they left nothing behind. Tristram finds a badly damaged map which seems to have been discarded but whilst Tristram can make out its a map he cannot decipher the strange writing or the strange symbols written on it,.
** was the damaged item found at the villa
**yes (while)
The map must have been dislodged from the ruins walls by the outsiders or their horses but not noticed by them. Tristrum is curious about it so picks it up and takes it with him.
Adventure on!