Solo Toolbox.
For this session 1 I will have the following Toolkit available to me.
The Wasteland Hack RPG for the rules and setting.
UNE for randomly generating NPC's.
Zathrum 2.2 for help with NPC's and help with setting the overall theme. to generate three random adjectives to help describe the characters.
The Oracle, although it may not get used in this session, I think its worth saying that I use a mix of MUNE & Zathrum 2.2 for my games. The changes I made to the oracle can be found on a separate page (link here)
Owlbear Rodeo, for keeping track of combat.
Scene 1 : The Disused Airstrip.
Theme, (roll for on Zathrum 2.2 Theme Table), New Equipment.
I had an idea for the first scene to involve a combat, getting 'New Equipment' as the theme gave me the idea of Scout and Dawg coming across a vehicle (a car) and I also found the idea of Beagle not being know to Scout and Dawg at the start appealing.
Finding this 'Run Down Airstrip' map by Meditating Munky (link) gave me the starting place for the characters and the 1 scene.
(the car is some way a way from the bandits, at this point I do not know why it is parked where it is, it just is).
I roll 3d6 for each bandits Strength, Dexterity and Constitution
Bandit 1 - Str: 11, Dex: 14, Con: 4 (HP4)
Bandit 2 - Str: 12, Dex: 6, Con: 6 (HP6)
Bandit 3 - Str: 8, Dex: 7, Con 11 (HP11)
Action at the abandoned airfield at the start of scene 1 |
Scout drops down beside Dawg, "there are four, three bandits and a woman, she looks like she wont see the morning, I don't want to describe to you what they have done to her, also two of the bandits look sick, radiation poisoning or something, they are deffo weak, I think we can take them out".
Dawg readies his rifle, "I though they had seen you, one of them has just come through the compound entrance, he's been looking around but not towards us, you think you can hit him with your sniper rifle?".
Scout shakes his head in a negative, "no I can't get a clean shot on him, we need to sneak forward, what the!".
The duo spot someone break cover and run towards the bandit outside the compound, pistol in hand, a girl, and she opens fire.
Beagle takes bandit3 by surprise, she fires her revolver, rolls 3 on d20 against her dex 13, so a hit. Rolls 1d3 to see how many bullets hit = 2, roll 2d6 for damage = 5, Bandit 3 is down to 6hp.
Dawg rises to his feet, "sh*t! Where did that crazy come from, she's dinner for them tonight if we don't help".
Scout gets back on his feet, "always the knight is shining armour ain't ya Dawg, oh well, we need that car".
The two break cover an run towards the compound.
Beagle has to reload her revolver this round and cannot fire, bandit 3 takes aim with his hunting rifle, he rolls 10 against his dex of 7, his shot misses Beagle.
The two other bandits exit the compound to see what is going on.
Third combat round and Beagle fires her revolver at Bandit 3 again, she rolls 12, a hit, rolls 3 on a d3 so 3 bullets hit for 3d6 = 7 points of damage, Bandit 3 is finished.
Bandit 1 fires his rifle at Beagle, he rolls 6 on d20 against his dex of 14, a hit for 1d8 = 2, Beagle takes 2 damage.
Before Bandit 2 can react, Dawg fires his Assault Rifle at him, Dawg rolls 10 against his dex of 15, a hit, rolling 3 on d6 three bullets hit his target for 9 damage, bandit 2 id down and out.
Scout pauses and takes aim with his sniper rifle at Bandit 1, rolls 10 against his dex of 14, a hit for 6 damage, enough to take out Bandit 1.
The combat over, Dawg is keen to see if the car starts, he is worried that the sound of the gunfight could attract other unwanted attention.
Beagle runs into the compound and up to the other woman, she is clearly distressed by the sight that she encounters. Scout follows Beagle and asks her if she knows the woman, Beagle replies that it is her Mother.
Question: does the car start? roll d8 on table 1 =2, No (roll table 2), roll d 8 on table 2 =3 = surprisingly.
Although the old car engin urns over and it does not start, this surprises Dawg as it seems well maintained and has a tank full of gas.
To see if Dawg can fix the problem and get the car started I roll d20 against his Intelligence, he rolls 4, well under and with his perk of 'quick repair' I decided he get the car up and running very easily.
Question, is Beagles Mother still alive? roll d8 on oracle table 1 = 2 No(But), I decided to ignore the (But).
The car is left running, there are some tools in the car including a spade and pick axe, Scout and Dawg quickly did a shallow grave and bury Beagles mother.
Question, does anything else happen whilst they are performing the burial. Roll d8 on oracle =8 Yes (+1 intervention point)
I get three random verbs to help find out what, 'rush' 'destroy' 'marry'.
Suddenly, and without warning the ground begins to shudder and the buildings begin to shake, a crack appears in the wall and the old runway.
Dawg begins to rush towards the car, "quake! get to the car car quick!"
The old airfield building are being destroyed, bricks are falling to the ground.
Scout takes Beagles arm, "come on girl, we need to get out of here".
Beagle refuses to budge, "I am staying with my mother, go on without me".
Scout pulls Beagle's towards the car and out of the compound, "I'm not asking you to run away and marry me, just get out of here before we all join the dead".
Scout drags beagle to the car and pushes her in, he jumps in the driving seat and they head away from the old airfield.
Scene 2:
Theme, (roll for on Zathrum 2.2 Theme Table), 3rd party action.
I have no idea what the 3rd party action may be, so I roll on both Zathrum Mission and Target tables and get 'Free' 'Place', that gives me an idea that perhaps a small settlement is in need of help to free itself from the attentions of a 3rd party, maybe a gang has taken over, we will see how we go with this.
Scene 2 continues in part 2.
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