Monday, 19 September 2022

Changing the ending of a solo game & Lowlife 2090 game.


My intention was to run a campaign set in Roan Studios Bay of Spirits setting using Low Fantasy Gaming rules.  The characters I used in my Temptress of the Haunted Path adventure were originally rolled up to be used in that location.  As often happens with me I went off at a tangent, the characters ended up in a different setting.

The last two sessions of Temptress of the Haunted Pass ended up being quite combat heavy, I had 4 PC's, 5 NPC's and a wolf on one side and loads of skeletons and shades on the other side.  Two separate combat encounters, one at the lough of doom, the other in the ruined city.  Trying to type up these combat encounters in a way that makes them interesting to read while showing how the combat worked is proving a headache for me, just making sense of my hand written notes in bad enough.

So I raised a question in my head today, what if I change the ending so that the character's, or those that survive, are able to get back to Crookedmouth and from there get a ship to take them back home to the Bay of Spirits.
I could cut out the final big combat encounter and simplify the other one, that would make it easier to type up and allow me to move the PC's to the new location.

Can I do that?  In a game with a GM and several players, it would probably not be possible to rerun the ending to get a different result because it did not fit the next adventure, it just wouldn't seem right but in a solo game, well who, besides me, is to know.  

Okay, so anyone who reads this will know, but if I had not written this post and just typed up the revised ending you would be non the wiser.  So thats the plan, rerun the end of my Temptress of the haunted path game, simplify the combat, type it all up in a blog post and move on to the Bay of Spirits.  

That set me thinking about how I wanted to play a planned Lowlife 2090 game.  Back in February of this year (2022) I played a solo game involving Weasel, Kid Sinister and a girl called Rook.  I thought of the characters first and had them surviving in a city, hanging out in Nemos Nook bar and living just outside the law.  They started getting the unwanted attention of the criminal underworld and left the city in search of their friend Shona.  Outside of the city, the land was a semi apocalyptic wasteland.

It was suggest to me at the time that Lowlife 2090 would be the game to use and Mendoza  City the perfect place for them to start out.  I chose ignore that advice, (mostly because I didn't have Lowlife2090), and made my own vey simple rules and setting.  It never really worked out for me, it was interesting for sure but in the end a little disappointing.  Those characters stuck in my mind though, I felt like they had not fulfilled their destiny, I felt somehow I had let them down.

Things change and I picked up Lowlife 2090 when Pickpocket Press had a flash sale with 75% off the PDF price.  Now I think its time to bring Weasel, Kid, Rook and Shona back, stick them in 'Neros' Nook this time, slap bang in the middle of Mendoza City.

My initial thoughts were to make them all human as before but maybe that is not using Lowlife to it full potential.  Lets add a little flavour to the crew.

Weasel I think could work well as a Spriggan (Goblin) Infiltrator.
Rook I feel would be made more interesting if she were an Elf, possibly a mage but then I am leaning towards a Hacker maybe, with a Cortex implant, that could work.
Kid Sinister and Shona I want to keep as human.  I think Kid could be good as a Exarch, an arcane specialist, maybe that how he gets his name.  I see Shona in an almost matriarchal role, an influencer and the one who hold the crew together even though Weasel thinks he does.

Now I need to get the characters rolled up, I have a simple adventure in mind for them so I should spend a little time working out NPC;s rewards, locations and such like.  Sly Flourish's 8 steps to game prep should help with that.

Solo gaming is fun, its allowed me to rerun the end of a game and reroll some old characters for a new rule set, in both cases to fit in with some new ideas I have had, just don't tell anyone thats what I have done.

Adventure on!

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