I picked up Lowlife 2090 pdf by Pickpocket Press a few weeks back and I am thrilled beyond excited about running a solo game with a crew of lifers in Mendoza City. Time to generate some characters.

I get a lot of enjoyment seeing the way my characters interact with each other, so I always run games with two or more characters, usually four, more than five and I struggle to keep the game moving along, easy to lose track of who is doing what and combat can become tedious.
Creating a bond between the characters in my party of adventures is something I find important. I like each character to have a strong background with each having a connection to the others. This helps me understand how the characters will interact with each other. I have played solo adventures where the characters don't initially know each other but it never works for me.
A few months back I ran a sort of steampunk apocalyptic game with three characters, Weasel, Kid Sinister and Rook. I knocked up my own back of a postcard rules and an oracle and off I went. It just didn't really pan out but I loved the three characters.
So Weasel, Kid and Rook plus one other character are going to get a second shot at fame or infamy, this time in Mendoza City. There is already a strong developed background and bond between them from the previous game and it is effortless to pick them up and drop them into a Lowlife 2090 cyberpunk setting. The fourth, new, character I will create randomly, that's where I will start now.
Step 1 - roll 1d6 for Race = 1. So a human.
I think I can go with a human character.
Step 2 - roll 1d10 for class = 10. Re-roll (there are only 9 classes in the rule book)
re-roll = 7, Influencer
I was kinda hoping for a mage but Influencer is fine.
Step 3 - Generate attributes.
One attribute starts at 15, for the remaining 6 attributes I roll 4d6 dropping the
lowest number.
9, 7, 7, 15, 18, 17 plus the 15 above
Four high numbers there balanced out by three mediocre rolls. I can now distribute
them over the 7 attributes
Strength : 7 (-1)
Dexterity : 15 (+2)
Constitution : 7 (-1)
Intelligence : 9 (-)
Perception : 17 (+3)
Willpower : 15 (+2)
Charisma : 18 (+3)
Initiative : 12 (-)
Initiative is dexterity + Intelligence / 2, this is Step 4
Step 5 - Hit Points = 2+7+1 = 8hp
The low constitution score is a real problem here but I will run with it.
Step 6 - Luck =11, re-roll pool = 2 (for being human)
Step 7 - Roll for contacts
Influencers start with 5 contacts, I roll 1d12 five times and get-
7 : City Exec catchphrase "what up lobo, you got my cere"
12 : Crime Boss (Jambazi) catchphrase "yeh, but how do I look?"
6 : Fashion Model catchphrase "you off your meds again"
9 : Entertainer catchphrase "well, I don;t like the sound of that"
11: Peacekeeper Detective catchphrase "I might have fecking known"
I was tempted to swap some of the catchphrases around but decided to keep them
as they are, I mean a Crime Boss with the catchphrase "but how do I look" has
more comic value than a Fashion Model saying it, right?
Step 8 - roll for Augmentations
Influencers start with three.
Chemical Signalling (Edo Laurent Allure) Influencers must have this one, roll d8 to
get the other two
4 = Wifi Port and Skull Drive.
5 = Chemstim Motion Surge
Step 9 - bonus languages = 0
Step 10 Choose Skills - Leadership & Persuasion plus six more
Athletics, Deception, Detection, Gather Information, Slight of Hand, Stealth
Step 11 - Choose class abilities number of talents = charisma modifier so 3
Born Leader
Shrewd Negotiator
Unexpected Aid
Step 12 - Add class GEAR pack
Light vest, Benelli I5 light pistol (2 x mags NL
ammo), Cell (Toshiba Vector Sys 12), 2 x Fake
IDs, 1 dose of Jink, Knife, and ₵50.
Step 13 - Turning Point = All or Nothing
Address = Foundry Bay
Living Standard = Low
Step 14 & 15 Background & Name
In the original adventure with Weasel & Kid Sinister, they set out looking for their
friend Shona who had run out on them, so I decide to bring her in as well.
Name : Shona
Background : Singer at Nero's Nook Bar and Grill.
Shona watched her old Pa work 7 to 7 for thirty years and get
nowhere. Then he was eaten by a tentacled horror from beyond the
Veil. Well she ain’t going out that way, batu.
Shona is on the fast track to the Big Score, and the hell out of these
fecking tunnels. She's gonna make it happen - no matter what.
Shona is a singer in Nero's Nook, a bar n' grill in Foundry Bay. She hangs out with
Weasel, Kid and Rook. Shona knows that without her Weasel and Kid would have
long been pushing up daisy's, Rook with them too. Nero tolerates Weasel and
Kid because of Shona, he has a soft spot for the girl,
"Man, can you hear that singing, sound like gold"
Nero knows Shona is good and brings in the crowd. When Shona sings Nero wins.
But Shona knows Weasel and Kid have come to the attention of some of the
ganger's round Nero's Nook, and not in a good way. Shona knows its time to get
get the hell out and soon.
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