The party continue their journey along the old path to the edge of the Golden Coppice. At the edge of the Coppice they gaze upon a large body of water stretching for miles before them.
"The Lough of Doom" announces Decimus with an air of dread.
Nydia looks into the Orb of Answers. The Orb still shows Arna the young Komtess, Batana her maid and a third woman who is believed to be Cataline, Arna's aunt. Now though it shows the three sat around a small campfire.
QUESTION - Can Decimus tell from the image where the three have made camp? Roll on d8 = 3 No(roll on table 2)
Roll d8 on table 2 = (If)
Nydia shows the image in the orb to Decimus, "you seem to know this are quite well, can you make out where they are?"
Decimus shakes his head, "not from that image, it just shows them sat around a campfire, they could be anywhere along the lake shore, if I could see more of the land around them maybe?"
QUESTION - will the orb show what is around the Komtess and her party? Roll d8 = 6 Yes(roll on table 2)
Roll d8 on table 2 = (unless)
Decimus steps back from the orb his face ashen. The orbs image has changed, now it shows the three women sat near an ancient stone sculpture of a dwarven face.
"I think I know where they are resting. Unless the orb is wrong, they are in grave danger. The ancient carving is said to be that of the last dwarven lord, those who sleep under it never live to see the morning. It is less than an hour from here, we must get to them before dusk".
The party set off at a brisk and urgent pace, Decimus and Nydia leading the way. It was almost dusk when they arrived at the place where Arna and her two companions had stopped to rest the night.
The light from the fire gives away the place where the three have stopped to rest the night. Ulfina, angry and upset, runs forward towards Arna, she stops abruptly when she recognises Cataline.
Ulfina hisses, "so it is you Cataline, damn you to the burning pits for taking the child from me and leading her into danger"
Cataline stands and moves towards Ulfina "Arna must fulfil her prophecy Ulfina, it is the only way the rebels can be defeated and the Komtess come to rule".
Ulfina shakes her head "No Cataline, the Kompt and Komptessa, your sister, Arna's parents, they are dead, executed. Writa is in the hands of the rebels, they are in control now, there is no army left to fight them".
Cataline replies, "you are wrong Ulfina, the prophecy says Arna will find the scroll of the fire demon and through that scroll Arna shall raise an army which she will lead and reclaim Writa, Carnifex and Arnjin have returned there, they will raise and lead a second army to support the one created by the scroll and lead by Arna"
Ulfina stares Cataline square in the eyes, "an army of what Cataline, fire demons? No one can control such an army, what fool would unleash such monsters on their own land?"
Canaid the bard draws her magic sword, "I hate to spoil your reunion but your demons are already here".
Behind Arna is a Shade with (2d4 = 3) three more moving from the lake shore towards the party.
COMBAT - (this battle was chaotic and I have only given a summary of the encounter here)
Canaid attacks and destroys one Shade with her greatsword but loses several hp in the encounter.
Cataline is struck down by a Shade and is killed.
Ulfina pulls Arna away from the combat but is injured while doing so.
Batana walks out into the lake, she stands, opens her arms and speaks in a strange language. The whole area around them seems to alter in a strange and frightening way. No one seems able to move or speak but the Shades reel back and are pulled into the lake until they are gone.
Abruptly everything returns to normal.
Batana collapses into the lake. Arna and Ulfina run to her and drag her out of the water. She is alive but unconscious.
I roll d20 to test for a dark and dangerous magic (DDM) effect, 6 or more means no effect, I roll 4.
Rolling d100 on the DDM table =10. Batana has no discernable heartbeat and does not bleed, this lasts for 1d12 = 11 months.
Batana recovers enough to walk and the party move away from the lake leaving the body of Cataline behind for fear she turns into a Shade.
They walk in the dusk light until they find a safe sheltered spot to camp. In the morning a decision needs to be made. Do they continue on to the ruined city and fulfil the prophecy or return to Woodbury and end their quest.
It is a decision they will leave for now as they are to exhausted to
Adventure On!
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