Sunday, 18 September 2022

A break from Low Fantasy Gaming & planning for both Lowlife 2090 and Ruin dd100

 It is exactly a week since my last post about my Low Fantasy Gaming , Temptress of the Haunted Path game.  Although I have now played to its conclusion I am struggling to type up my notes into a coherent blog post or two.

Part of this is down to the way it ended, a lot of combat which I difficult to write up in an interesting and entertaining way, but the other issue is one of time as well.  I needed to revamp my web store which has taken up all of my evenings.  I have several commission on at the moment as well, these take up my days.  As a result I have just not had time for blogging on Chainmail & Sword and when I have tried to type up the notes for my last couple of Low Fantasy Gaming sessions, I struggled to make them readable.

My thoughts now are to take a break from Temptress of the Haunted Path at least until I get properly sorted (I envisage another 3 or 4 weeks of evening and weekend work) then I should have free time again to read through and type up my notes from the last two sessions of my Low Fantasy Gaming game.  

That said, it would be a shame to let the blog go dormant for that length of time.  As Temptress of the Haunted Path has ran is course I want to try a couple of new games, Lowlife 2090 and The Ruin d100.  Over the next couple of weeks I will be posting short post about those two games, creating characters, plot ideas & planning for the games/


The Ruin d100 will be a continuation of my Wasteland Hack game which I posted about a few months back, there will be new characters to create and characters from Wasteland hack to convert to Ruin d100.
Lowlife 2090 is new to me, the rules are certainly familiar as they are similar to Low Fantasy Gaming, unsurprisingly, but the cyberpunk setting needs a little research on my part, Cyberpunk is fairly new to me.

So over the next few weeks expect a few short post and if you have been following Temptress of the Haunted Path, fear not, I will type the last couple of sessions up in a couple of weeks time, until then my friends

Adventure on!

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