Thursday, 18 August 2022

Low Fantasy Gaming -Temptress of the Haunted Path (Part 11)

I have been struggling a little bit with this adventure lately, my main problem is that I just don't feel I am engaging with the characters and the characters are not engaging with each other or their surroundings.  I need to change that or this will be another adventure I give up on half way through. 

In order to try and get a bond between the characters which hopefully will result in me enjoying the quest more I am going to send them on a small side adventure. 

I am using the Sly Flourish 8 step game prep idea to create this little side adventure.  I really like this 8 step plan, it makes me do a lot of the creative work before I play the adventure but in a short amount of time.  I have a list of NPC;s and monsters already there in front of me, I don't have to break the flow of my solo game to roll up an NPC or look up the monster which is going to get in the characters way, I have already worked that out and written down the stats.

This is the prep for the next session of  LFG- Temptress of the Haunted Path, to be played at some point over the weekend and typed up on the blog soon after.

 • Review the characters -

My four adventures:

Canaid the Bard (click here for stats)
Pedler Glatz the Rogue (click here for stats)
Nydia Fernwise the Magic User (click here for stats)
Wren the Ranger (click here for stats)


The characters are escorting the young Komtess Arna and her entourage to a ruined city north of Crookedmouth where the Komtess hopes to find a scroll that will decide her destiny.

The party is now at Woodbury, a small village two days travel from Crookedmouth.  They have spent the night in the White Arrow Inn.  In the morning they must equip themselves for the final part of their quest.

The characters have no loyalty to the Komtess or each other, it is the promise of a great reward for each of them when the quest is complete, and perhaps the feeling that the Komtess is doomed if they do not help, that keeps them from turning back from this dangerous quest.


• Create a strong start

Market day in Woodbury, a thief attempts to pickpocket one of the characters.


• Outline potential scenes

Try to hire a boat to take them all further up river.

Buy equipment and rations at the market.

The characters find something as a result of the pickpocket attempt.


• Define secrets and clues

A 1 ft, deep red and grey feather.  If inspected closely, tiny black writing can be seen along the shaft.  It is written in a long-lost language.

A glass jar with air holes in the lid, containing a dozen small beetles and some lettuce leaves.  If the jar is tapped the beetles glow brightly, softly illuminating a 5' radius.


• Develop fantastic locations

A sinkhole opens up next to some ancient standing stones.  Scraping away some moss from the stones reveals runes from a forgotten fay race.  At the bottom of the hole, steps lead down into ancient darkness.

I will use the Dungeon Room Generator in LFG Deluxe to randomly create the tunnel as I play through it.


• Outline important NPCs

Decimus the Thief.  Level 1, HP 5, AC 13

Dex: 15, Str: 13, Others:10  Luck: 4

2 x Daggers 1d4+1
Leather Armour.



• Choose relevant monsters

8 skeletons HP 2 each, AC 11 Attack, Spear 1d6+1

S 13, D 13, C10, P 13(Special) Luck 4


• Select magic item rewards

Magical two handed great sword, made of cold iron.

I think that will do it.  There should be just enough there for a Sunday afternoon session, until then my friends,

Adventure On

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