Rules: Beyond the Wall by Flatland Games.
Adventure: Blood in the Snow, Roan Studios
Solo GM Emulator: MUSE
Scene 2: The Snow Tunnel.
PC's and NPC. Hugo de Winter the would be knight (PC), Culdus the devout acolyte (PC), Rhian the Forester (PC), Strawberri the Fay Foundling (PC ) Old Mercenary (NPC, Possible PC), Merchant Wife (NPC),Martain Wicklow (NPC), The Merchant (NPC), Karina Lankrit (NPC bard, Possible PC)
Our young hero's are now very damp, a little cold and not in the best of spirits, they all realise it is to late to turn back now and press on, they know the missing merchant must be here somewhere.
They all safely reach the top of the steps and the tunnel ahead of them widens allowing them to walk 2 abreast again, Hugo, holding the last torch, and Karina take the lead, Strawberri and Culdus just behind, Rhian is last, her flame sword illuminating the rear.
They now walk down a long icy passage way, it is still damp and very slippery underfoot. As they near the end of the passage there is a slight bend in the tunnel, they hear a loud sploshing and what seems like raised voices grumbling about something, sadly they cannot make out any meaningful words.
Hugo raises his torch - "Shissss, something is coming this way, drop ba..."
Before Hugo can finish his sentence, two Redcaps appear round the corner and, seeing only Hugo and Karina, they begin to charge towards the group of young adventures, Hugo is quick to respond and charges towards the Redcaps, given no choice, Karina follows, just a few steps behind Hugo.
Combat - First Round.
Hugo has the initiative and rushes towards the first Redcap, he gets the first strike - roll on d 20 =1.
Hugo slips on the slush as he runs towards the Redcap and falls on the wet ground.
Karina is next, she slides in to the second Redcap, her black sword slashes the Goblin, rolls on d20 = 15, she hits and causes 2d8 damage = 15 hits, one redcap is done for.
The one remaining Redcap lashes out at anyone (rolls 8 on d20) but manages to miss both Karina and Hugo.
Strawberry tries to sneak around the back of the combat to strike a redcap from the rear. Ask Oracle "does Strawberri successfully sneak behind" roll on 1d6 = 5 'Yes'.
Combat - Second Round.
Strawberri has the initiative, she strikes from behind with her dagger, roll = 16, a hit. The iron dagger causes double damage to the redcap (roll 2d4 = 5).
Hugo is still getting up from the ground so Karina attacks the Redcap next, roll on d20 = '5' a miss, she decided she can afford to lose a fortune point allowing her to re-roll, this time a 2, she still fails to hit the redcap who, although injured, still lashes out wildly at Karina, roll on d20 = 3, a miss
Combat - Third Round,
Strawberri still has the initiative, she rolls 15, a clear hit, and stabs the redcap again in its back, she cause's 2d4 damage again, rolling 3 & 4, 7 hits, the Redcap crumbles over, breathes one last breath and falls to the ground like its compatriot.
Culdus, who has been standing watching the whole combat, along with Rhian, walks over to Hugo and helps him up of the ground
Hugo - "I would have had that goblin but he tripped me up, made me lose my balance"
Roll against Hugo's charisma, (obviously a lie but Hugo does not want to lose face and he has a deception skill giving him -2 to his roll), d20roll = 9 -2 = 7, he persuades the rest of the gang he was tripped.
Rhian walks up to Strawberri and hugs her friend, there is an audible sigh of relief from Strawberri.
Rhian - "you did well Berri, lets move on"
Strawberri - "I had to do something Rhi, I just want to get away from here, something is just not right with this place, I'm a little scared Rhi".
Rhian smiles, "me to Berri, me to!".
Karina picks up both caps from the heads of the two Redcaps and pushes them into her jerkin.
Culdus - "what are you collecting those for Karina?".
Karina - "they will give credence to my next song at the Blue Goose, a girls gota do...".
Culdus shakes his head - "fine, fine".
The adventurers head further into the icy tunnel, again Hugo and Karina lead the way, Culdus just behind them with Srawberri and Rhian last.
The next location in the tunnel is described as containing a trap, I decide to simply ask the oracle if any of the party set the trap off, roll on d6 = 4 'yes but'.
The trap triggers just as Strawberri and Rhian pass by it, falling boulders of ice crash down but just miss hitting the unwary party, the noise however is enough to alert 2 Redcaps nearby, who rush to see what has triggered their trap.
Question to Oracle, "do the party hear the Redcaps coming towards them?" Roll 1d6 = 2 "no"
The tunnel up ahead is very dark and the noise of the falling ice boulders has drowned out any sound the Recaps made, they burst out of the darkness into the surprised adventures and the Redcaps can strike first, Hugo and Karina are their nearest targets.
Combat Round 1
Redcap 1 attacks Hugo, roll on d20 = 1, the Redcap completely fumbles his attack.
Redcap 2 attacks Karina. Roll on d20 = 6 (+3 attack bonus makes 9), another miss.
Combat Round 2.
Hugo has gathered his composure and strikes the Redcap, Roll on d20 = 10 (11 with his attack bonus), not enough to harm the Redcap with its AC14,
The Redcap fights back rolling 7, not enough to damage Hugo in any way.
Karina rolls 6 for her attack, no luck for her either, Redcap 2 rolls 13 (16 with it +3 bonus), and rolls 2d4 for damage, rolling 3, Karina is hurt but not badly.
Question to Oracle "can any of the others help in the fight?" roll d6 = 5 'yes'
Can Rhian help? roll on d 6 = 2 'No'
Can Strawberri help? roll on d 6 = 6 'Yes and' (a second intervention point)
And can Culdus help as well? roll on d6 = 4 'Yes' (we ignore the but)
Strawberri is able to fire off a shot at Redcap 1 with her sling, she rolls d20 = 20, the Redcap is hit but suffers only 1 point of damage.
Culdus is able to attack Redcap 2 with his Staff, he rolls 11, the Redcap is unhurt.
Combat Round 3
Strawberri is able to get another shot at the Redcap, but only rolls a lowly 6, her shot misses.
Hugo attacks again with his sword, an 8 this time, no luck, the Redcap retaliates, rolling 8 as well, with its +3 bonus its still not enough to harm Hugo.
Karina attacks the 2nd Redcap, rolling 14, a lucky hit on the goblin causes 2d8= 9 damage and the the Redcap drops to the ground.
Combat Round 4
Again Strawberri is able to fire a stone from her sling at Redcap 1, rolling 15, another hit, 3 damage this time.
Hugo strikes next, rolling 4, a miss but Karina is next to him and is able to attack as well, rolling 1, she is not even close. The Redcap, injured by has one more strike at Hugo, rolling 5 a miss, it decideds it may be time to run away.
Question to oracle "is the Redcap able to run away" roll 1= 'no but'
The Redcap turns to run but is not quick enough, Hugo attacks and rolls 15, a hit, his sword does 2d8 damage = 9, the Redcap is finished.
The fight over, Culdus turns to Karina, "Another blood red cap to add to your collection, you took a nasty hit there but you seem fine".
Hugo checks the other Redcap and finds a copper neckless (worth 5cp), he decides to leave it and just hands the Hat to Karina.
The party move on, the icy tunnel leads into a dark cave opening in a rocky wall, There is a sour odor in the air and no light emanates from inside the pitch black cave.
The cave walls are of natural stone and wet with condensation. The rocky floor is uneven, rough, and slippery in places. Small bones (mostly animal) and scraps of filthy cloth are scattered about.
As the party procced they enter a wide chamber.
Ask Oracle if the chamber is as written in the adventure, roll d6 = 6 'yes and' (a third intervention point).
Rolling a 4 on the intervention table gives me 'Advance Plot'.
The party should encounter 2 zombies but I use the Advance Plot to ignore any interaction with the undead.
The chamber is empty and you are able to press on, encountering nothing else until you come to a chamber off to the right of the cave, illuminated by a sickly yellow glow, this appears to be a sleeping chamber as there are numerous makeshift beds in it. 6 Redcaps are devouring what looks like a recently killed corpse.
Question to Oracle, "we enter the chamber and try to sneak up on the 6 Redcaps, do we surprise them?"
Roll on d6 = 3 'no but', they spot you but late.
The party sneak up to the Redcaps who are slow to notice the adventures, I allow the party a free attack on the Redcaps.
Combat Round 1.
Strawberri attacks Redcap 1, rolling 14, she hits with her dagger and rolls 2d4 damage = 5 hits
Rhian attacks Redcap 2, rolling 3, no good, she uses a a fortune point to try again, another 3, no hit
Karina attacks Redcap 3, rolling 6, no luck there, she uses a fortune point, 19 this time, rolling 2d8 damage = 5
Culdus attack Redcap 4, rolling 8, no good.
Hugo attacks Redcap 5, rolling 17, a hit, rolls 2d8 for damage = 10, Redcap 5 is killed.
Combat Round 2
Strawberri attacks Redcap 1 again, a 4, no luck so she uses a fortune point, reroll = 17 a hit, rolling 2d4 again = 7 hits, a second redcap hits the floor.
Rhian against Redcap 2, she rolls 5 a miss, she decides not to use another fait point so Redcap 2 is able to attack her, rolls 15 +3 bonus, a hit, Rhian takes 7 hits, she has only 1 hit point left.
Karina attacks redcap 3 again, rolls 19, a super strike and she does 11 hits, a third Redcap is out of the fight.
Hugo next, he turns his attention to Redcap 6, rolling 19, 2d8 damage = 12, a fourth redcap is out.
Redcap 5 attacks Culdus first, rolls 18, Culdus thakes 2d4 = 3 hits, Culdus rolls 10, he fails to hit the Redcap
Combat Round 3 There are only two Redcaps left in the fight.
Strawberri Strikes at Redcap 2 , a 1 she misses, Rhian summons up what strength she has left and rolls 16, a hit, 2d8 damage = 10, the Redcap is out
Hugo dives in to help Culdus, he rolls 10, a miss, Culdus is attacked again by the Redcap who rolls 2, a miss. Culdus rolls 16, hits and does 1d6 = 2 hits.
Combat Round 4.
The Redcap is surrounded by the party, Strawberri is first to strike and rolls 20, a fine hit with her dagger, she inflicts 2d4 = 7 hits on the last Redcap and it drops to the floor, the fight is over.
The fight was short and bloody and has left Rhian is a poor way, Culdus checks her over and does his best to patch her up, he offers to use magic to heal her but she refuses. The rest of the group search the chamber. The source of the light is a glowing skull and is the result of an enchanted stone placed inside the cavity and used as a light source. The stone has a ‘Continual Light’ spell cast upon it which Culdus dectects as soon as he nears it. Their search of the room revealed little else of worth, there are many filthy furs and rags, a few copper pieces (they find 77).
Question to Oracle "do they find the Winter Wolf Cloak?" roll d6 = 5 'yes'
In amongst the rancid furs they find a fine Wolf Cloak which Strawberri wraps around Rhian, instanty she feels warm and dry, Culdus can detect magic emanating from it.
The party leave the sleeping chamber, Hugo and Karina holding the glowing skull, leads them on, Rhian and Culdus follow with Strawberri behind holding the torch, at the back.
The next chamber the party enter seems to be some kind of storage area, most of which seems to be items taken from local farms and outbuildings, there are a lot of copper items, pots, pans that sort of thing but nothing of much value and certainly nothing worth taking. The party dismiss investigating the chamber any further. The only exit other than the one they came in by is barred by a makeshift wooden door.
Question to Oracle "can Hugo knock it down?" roll = 1 'no and'
Hugo tries to burst it open by charging it with his shoulder and fails, not only that but takes 1d4 hits roll = 3 as a reward for his stupidity.
Question to Oracle "can Rhian burn through it with her Flame Sword?" roll = 5 'yes'
Rhian steps up and draws her sword, using the flame to cut through the wood, within moment's the door drops to the ground and Rhian walks into the next chamber, followed swiftly by the others.
The room has a stench not only of burning wood from the door but of decay. The walls and floor are a dark brown/red colour from being covered in blood. The room is dimly lit by two oil lamps but the skull being carried by Karina further illuminates the room. There is an unconscious human male bound by leather straps against the far wall. He has been stripped and his body covered in crude and strange symbols. A crouched, hideous looking female goblin clad in filthy garments and adorned with tiny bones and skulls(faerie skulls). She is a Shaman and appears to be in the middle of a ceremony preparation and is accompanied by 2 Zombies.
Rhian lets out an almost terrifing scream and charges towards the first Zombie.
Combat Round 1
Rhian lashes out at the Zombie with her Sword, roll d20 = 16, a hit. Roll 1d8 for damage = 5
Even in her week state, her adrenalin keeps her going and she cuts right through the zombie, it turns to dust as it drops to the ground.
Combat Round 2.
Strawberri fires a stone from her sling at the Shaman, roll =20 a hit, the Shaman takes 1d4 damage roll = 3.
The second zombie ambles its way towards Rhian, she has time to take a swing at it with her sword, roll = 3 a miss, she uses another fortune point and re-rolls, this time 16, a hit, rolling 1d8 she inflicts 3 hit points, in her weakened state she is not able to finish off the undead creature. The Zombie lashes out at Rhian, rolls 18, a hit, Rhian takes 3 hits putting her on -2HP, she has to use a fortune point to stabalise her wounds but she is no longer able to fight.
Hugo and Karina both Charge the Redcap Sharman who just has time to cast a heat metal spell at Hugo.
His sword begings to glow red hot and he drop it, his mail shirt to begings to rapidly heat up and he has no option to do anything but try to take it off.
Karina though rolls to see if she hit the Redcap Shaman, roll = 19 a hit, 2d8 damage = 11, its all over for the shaman.
Combat Round 3.
The zombie turns on Culdus but Culdus is able to get a blow on the zombie first, roll 20, a stunning hit with his staff, rolling 1d4 for damage = 3, the staff knocks the zombie to the ground and the fight is over.
Culdus rushes over to Rhian to see what he can do to aid the injured woodsgirl, Strawberry to is in attendance, Hugo picks his sword back up and he & Karina check on the unconscious man.
At that moment the Redcap leader comes charging in from another chamber, with a huge roar he charges at the nearest group of adventures which happens to ne Hugo and Karina.
Combat Round 1.
Strawberri is the first to react, she manages to loose off a shot with her sling, roll 20, 1d4 damage 2.
her shot hits the Redcap but does little to stop him charging in to Hugo.
The Redcap rolls to hit = 5 +7 attack bonus = 12, just enough to catch Hugo off guard, the Redcaps sorcerous blade inflicts 1d8+3 damage, roll 2 +3 = 5, Hugo is down to 2 hit points. Hugo strikes back , rolling 6 a miss, Karina is able to strike as well, rolling 14, good but not enough to hurt the Redcap ChieftainCaldus cast a command word spell on the Redcap chief, causing it to sleep for 1 round (combat round 2).
Combat Round 2.
Straberri rushes in to the fight and gets a free hit on the sleeping Redcap, doing 4 points of hits with her dagger, Hugo and Karina also get a free hit, hugo does 12 points of damage, Karina 13, the Redcap is down to 2 HP.
Combat Round 3
The Redcap Chieftain awakens, its too late for him though, Strawberri is the first to react and rolls 20, a super hit with her dagger, rolling 2 d4, well it doesn't matter, any roll will finish the Redcap Chief, she rolls 4 & 1 though, the final Redcap falls to the ground.
The fight is finally over, Strawberri goes back to her friend Rhian whilst the others release and attempt to revive the naked man. After a while he comes around and they discover he is indeed the merchant they came to find, they wrap the merchant in tatty furs, a bit demining but at least he is covered and warm. Although the party are all weak, cold, tired and badly beaten up, they manage they are able to get Rhian and the Merchant safely out of the cave complex and back to the Blue Goose.
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The Blue Goose Image from Roan Studios Blood in the Snow adventure pdf |
Next - Blood in the Snow Part 5 - concluding notes.
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