Monday, 16 August 2021

Flashing Blades a solo RPG campaign, Part 3 - Notes on the Oracle and setting the first scene

We now have our four characters and a village and chateau as a starting place.  

I am going to use the oracle and some of the other tables from ZATHRUM d20 RPG solo engine written by Riccardo Fregi and worth looking up, a quick online search should locate it for you.  I am going to mix it up a little with some of the MUNE tables and I am hopeful that this will give me the sort of gaming experience I am looking for. 

The Zathrum Oracle offers a 50/50 chance of yes or no, but in addition to the usual Yes (but), No(and) you get results like Yes(if) or No(on the contrary) which I feel adds to the game, I will roll 1d6 along with the d20 and also consult the following table

Die Roll        Result

1                    Straight Yes or No 
2 - 5               As d20 oracle result 
6                    Straight Yes or No

On a roll of 6 I increase the Intervention points by 1 and use intervention points as per MUNE.

Now, using UNE NPC emulator  , I roll up a few 'possible major NPC's', who may or may not get used during the game.

Baron Pompadour, a calm, confident noble.  much stronger than the PC's, 
        Prosecute, Lust
        Hinder Stories
        Depress Zeal
(I will work out what all this means when or if the NPC comes into Play).

Madam Pompadour, a neglectful Noble, much stronger than the PC's
        Accompanies Criminals
        Secure Success
        Follow Contraband

(again, I will work out what all this means when or if the NPC comes into Play).

Foolish Priest, Slightly weaker than the PC's, Rob Church

Indifferent Judge, Slightly weaker than the PC's, Advocate Allies

Touchy Shopkeeper, Comparable to PC's, Depress Oppressed

Sinful Hitman, Slightly Stronger than PC's, Defile Compassion 

Delightful Outlaw, Comparable to PC's, Discourage Legends

Prying Villager, much weaker than PC's, Conquer Advice

Dignified Traveller, Comparable to PC's, Possess Composure 

(I will work out what all the above means if they come into the game).

At the start of each scene I will randomly determine if any of the above enter the game, although some locations may demand that one of the above NPC's is involved, for example, if the PC's are at the Chateau, the Baron will be there.

Finally, I try and get a rough idea of what this adventure is about, I use the tables in SoloistRPG for this and get

Who - victim of crime
What - elimination
Why - revenge
Where - Group
How  - accident
Complication - environment

That will give me something to work with, indeed I already am already getting the seeds of an idea that the Baron is perhaps suspicious of his wife and, with hitmen and outlaws in amongst the PC's, things could get out of hand and  nasty very quickly.

The first scene will be set up to ensure the 4 PC's all become aware of each other, possible joining forces and working together for their common good.  I would hope that as a result of what happens in this first scene the group will get pointed in the direction of the actual adventure, if not I will shove them in that direction.

The first scene opens with Artos and Guilaume, their cart and two draught horses with its load of 3 barrels of wine they hope to sell for a profit, heading towards the village of Château Hèras, with about a  mile or so to go before they get there.  They become aware of horsemen heading at a trot towards them on the road from the village.

We will start from that point in part 4.

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