I have created 5 characters for this new solo campaign, they have all been rolled up using playbooks published by Flatland Games, I think its says a lot about the design of the game that although they come from very different backgrounds it is easy to find a common bond between them all.
Character list
Elowen the Fae Foundling (Warrior/Mage)
Character Stats
NAME: Elowen CLASS: Warrior/Mage LEVEL: 1
STR: 9(0) DEX: 19(+3) CON: 10(0) INT: 13(+1) WIS: 11(0) CHA: 8(-1)
SKILLS: Command, Sense Magic
KNACK: Defensive Fighter
SPELLS: Greater Illusion, Veil of Sleep
Saving Throws
Poison: 14 Breath Weapon: 17 Polymorph: 15 Spell: 17 Magic Item: 16
Equipment & Weapons
Dagger +4 to hit 1d4 damage
Short Sword +4 to hit 1d6 damage
Longbow +4 to hit 1d8 damage (quiver with 20 arrows)
Leathers +2 to AC
Peasants Clothing
Carved Goblet of Ivory which was left in her swaddling clothing
10 Silvers
Fighting Finess. she uses her Dex bonus (+3) to hit with melee weapons, note, this does not affect her damage bonus which remain 0.
Elowen was found beneath the ancient standing stone in the centre of the village, a goblet of ivory upon her breast and was taken in by a farmer and his wife who live near the village and they brought her up as if she was their own.
At first Elowen was little different from the other children in the village, her skin much fairer than the others, her features a little different but she was accepted by all until, as she got older, she began to change. her eyes became the colour of autumn leaves, her skin the colour of porcelain, her ears much more elven in shape which she tried to cover with her jet black hair. Then brown coloured leaves began to grow amongst her hair and she started to be shunned by others, tormented by bullies and blamed for any slight ills that befell the village or its inhabitants.
At first, Elowen would cut or even pull the leaves from her hair but within days they simply grew back. To avoid the ridicule and torment she received from the villagers she took to being a shepherdess and look after her fathers sheep, alone, out in the mountains around the village.
Although Elowen kept herself away from the village as much as she could, she was not without friends, the local hunters would camp with her and her adopted sister, Hazel, the witch's prentice , who Elowen has always looked out for. She is very close to Midwinter, wayward daughter to local nobleman, they both learned to fight together ,also Midwinters quiet brother Tristram is close to ger, she also has a friend in Auden, the witches beast keeper.
Although Elowens appearance is so different from human looks and she is a farmers daughter, she is very beautiful and glamorous, she is tall and has an ethereal presence which can mesmerise and befuddle mortals and she has a very commanding presence although she probably does not realise it.
Elowen does not know who her real parents are or were, nor why she was left under the standing stone in the village and what, if anything, is the meaning behind the ivory goblet left with her.
A few notes.
Erowen's charisma is very low at 8, I decided to go with this as I felt it reflected not her personality or her ethereal beauty but the fact she looks very different from mortals, her white skin, elven ears and in particular the leaves that grow in her hair, all make humans react poorly towards her.
She is however extremely quick and her trait fighting finesse gives her a fantastic +3 to attacks with melee weapons as well as ranged weapons, making her a formidable warrior.
Hazel the Witch's Prentice (Mage)
NAME: Hazel CLASS: Mage LEVEL: 1
STR: 9(0) DEX: 11(0) CON: 12(0) INT: 12(0) WIS: 15(+1) CHA: 13(+1)
SKILLS: Farming, Sense Magic, Herbalism, Alchemy
CANTRIP: Blessing
SPELLS: Hexing, Healing. Sanctuary of Peace
RITUALS: Goodberry
Saving Throws
Poison: 14 Breath Weapon: 15 Polymorph: 13 Spell: 12 Magic Item: 11
Equipment & Weapons
Dagger +0 to hit 1d4 damage
Simple Clothing
Flamboyant Black Hat
7 Silvers
Hazel grew up on her parents farm just outside the village, helping to supply the village with crops, meat and a small amount of cheese and milk from their sheep. Hazels ability to turn sheep milk into tasty cheeses and her knowledge of herbs and fungi, using them to make potions and slaves to aid poorly livestock brought her to the attention of the local witch Wihnhilda Barkridge, who, with Hazels parents blessing, took Hazel for her apprentice.
Elowen the Fae is Hazels adopted sister and is a little older than her Mortal sister, Elowen is very protective of her sister and whilst this may not always be appreciated by Hazel, the two are very close, they fondly remember shared times out in the hills with the sheep and camping out with the local hunters. Hazel still spends what little spare time she has helping her family on their farm.
Wihnhilda is also devoted to teaching Hazel all she knows about magics and healing, Hazel having always been attentive, and whilst Wihnhilda can be both authoritarian and a hard taskmaster, Hazel always works calmly and patiently, never once questioning her wisdom and authority.
Hazel now lives at the Witch's cottage, helping Wihnhilda with her village tasks and her good friend Auden who looks after the witch's animals, however she does sometimes fall foul of Flora Brambleberry the 1 foot high chambermaid who looks after the pots and jars as Hazel has a habit of not putting thinks back where they came from.
Hazel has always been liked in the village and even more so now as 'prentice to Wihnhilda, she has that sort of charm that anyone who meets her likes her, she is usually friendly, very helpful, kind, easy going but perhaps a little scatter brained and prone to being impetuous.
Auden the Assistant Beast Keeper (Rogue/Mage)
Character Stats
NAME: Auden CLASS: Rogue/Mage LEVEL: 1
STR: 11(0) DEX: 12(0) CON: 13(+1) INT: 12(0) WIS: 13(+1) CHA: 12(0)
SKILLS: Sense Magic, Animal Ken, Survival, Cooking, Athletics, Singing
CANTRIPS: Beast Ken, Blessing
Saving Throws
Poison: 13 Breath Weapon: 16 Polymorph: 12 Spell: 15 Magic Item: 14
Equipment & Weapons
Knife 0 to hit 1d3 damage
Peasants Clothing
Everything needed to look after Luana his wolf.
10 Silvers
unassuming. he can use 1 fortune point at the start of any encounter to be automatically hidden if the surroundings allow it.
Auden grew up without either of his parents, his farther was outcast and his mother died when he was young. Taken in by the local witch Wihnhilda Barkridge, who put him to work in the Kitchen cooking and more importantly, looking after her animals and garden.
Auden is quiet and unassuming, he has few friends beyond his animals except Tristram the son of the lord of the manor and Hazel the apprentice witch. He has a constant companion in Lupina the wolf who seems to look out for him.
Auden is about the same age as Hazel but he is a little subservient to the young witch and Hazel will use this to get Auden to run around after her, however she is kept in check by both Wihnhilda and Lupina the Wolf who seems to have the measure of the young witch.
Wihnhilda keeps Auden busy with work, she knows the young beast keeper has some magical ability which she has also helped him with , and whilst Wihnhilda can be both authoritarian and a hard taskmaster she considers Auden and what he does as vitally important, and favours Auden over both her chambermaid and Hazel which causes the tiny fae who looks after the pots and jars to resent Auden, Hazel is too busy to notice Wihnhildas favouritism.
Auden has always been liked in the village and although he is quiet and unassuming, he spends a little time with the elders who have taught him to play games such as chess and he , in what little spare time he has, goes off with his friend Tristram, it was with Tristram that he witnessed the march of the faerie lord and his court which changed Auden greatly. He feels there must be a better life for himself and Lupina than working for the Witch.
Auden does not know why his farther is an outcast nor where he went and it is never mentioned by Wihnhilda or anyone else in the village.
Tristram the Forgotten Child (Rogue)
Character Stats
NAME: Tristram CLASS: Rogue LEVEL: 1
STR: 8(-1) DEX: 11(0) CON: 11(0) INT: 15(+1) WIS: 12(0) CHA: 14(+1)
SKILLS: Animal Ken, Alertness, Folklore, Ancient History, Mythical Beast Lore
Saving Throws
Poison: 13 Breath Weapon: 16 Polymorph: 12 Spell: 15 Magic Item: 14
Equipment & Weapons
(low strength means -1 to hit and -1 to damage on all melee weapons)
Dagger -1 to hit 1d3 -1 damage
Short Sword -1 to hit 1d6 -1 damage
Dark Green Cloak
Map of the Manor Estate.
a small leather journal about Great Grandfathers wars in the South (Imperial City)
20 Silvers
Ghost Touched. Hi is marked in some way by the dead. After the sun has set, the character may see any ghosts in his presence. Note that this trait does not allow the character to see spirits or other invisible or incorporeal creatures.
The second youngest of Harold Godwins children to his late first wife. Tristram is little more than a year older than his sister Midwinter, finding himself preferring his own company, more so following her mothers death but although quiet he watched using his intelligence to learn about the manor and the estate, and knows the ins and outs of it better than anyone.
Tristram found he enjoyed the hustle and bustle of the village more than the manor house, spending time in particular with Auden the witches beast keeper with whom he had a lot in common. Empathic and thoughtful, he became a much sort after confidant amongst the villagers.
Of his family, Tristram is closest to Midwinters his younger sister, he tends to look out for the somewhat dower young girl, he will follow her anywhere to help see that she comes to no harm given her passion for combat.
Like Midwinter, Trstram suffers from the curse all his siblings born of her mother do, although not to the same ghostly level as Midwinter, his hair is almost white and skin very pale but his blue eyes give a sparkle, his intelligent looks are agreeable and for all his shyness, people find him easy to be with.
Tristram suffered greatly from her mothers death and is prone to melancholic, preferring to spend time reading about the past, his favourite being the takes of strange beast that once roamed the land of men. He has few friends apart from Auden and his sister, but he is touched by the spirit world and can see and on occasions communicate with ghosts, indeed, a ghost of one of his own ancestors has given a grave warning of dark days to come and he knows about his Great Grandfathers wars against the Imperial city. Tristram sees the danger from the men of the south to his homeland.
Midwinter the Lords Wayward Daughter (Warrior)
Character Stats
NAME: Midwinter CLASS: Warrior LEVEL: 1
STR: 10(0) DEX: 13(+1) CON: 16(+2) INT: 13(+1) WIS: 11(0) CHA: 8(-1)
SKILLS: Etiquette, Animal Ken, Healing
KNACK: Defensive Fighter
WEAPON SPECIALIZATION: Lomg Sword (+1 to hit, +2 damage)
Saving Throws
Poison: 14 Breath Weapon: 17 Polymorph: 15 Spell: 17 Magic Item: 16
Equipment & Weapons
Dagger +2 to hit 1d4 damage
Long Sword +3 to hit 1d8+2 damage
Chainmail +4 to AC
Stashed Dress
Fine Boots
Tabard of the Godwin Manor
A thin mail shirt which can be worn under normal clothing +2 AC
18 Silvers
Fighting Finess. she uses her Dex bonus (+1) to hit with melee weapons, note, this does not affect her damage bonus which remain 0.
The youngest of Harold Godwins children to his late first wife. Midwinter (named because she was born on December 21st, the winter solstice), was always the wild one, more so following her mothers death.
She discovered at a young age that she was very competitive and there was no game she could not win. The grizzled captain of the guard took a shine to the young noblewoman and began to teach her swordsmanship, this was frowned upon by her family, in particular her step mother and her warrior skills are mostly self taught, learned whilst watching the manors men at arms drill. however her perseverance eventually paid off when she managed to save the village from bandits which after she raised the alarm she held off from entering Barley until the guard arrived.
Midwinters closest friend is Elowen the fae foundling, they became friend when they both secretly entered a tourney put on by her farther, she was knocked out in the first round but learned a lot from that defeat.
Midwinter suffers from the curse all her siblings born of her mother do, white hair and pale skin, indeed Midwinter's hair is icy white and her very pale almost albino skin with her dark brown eyes give her an almost ghoulish, ghostly appearance which makes her very different from most humans.
Midwinter suffered greatly from her mothers death and is very melancholic, she has few friends apart from Elowen and the grizzled captain of the guard, , even her own family find her difficult, all except Tristram, her elder brother, who too suffered from his mothers death and keeps a watch on his wayward younger sister.
Final thoughts on the five characters
If these five youngsters have one thing in common its that they don't really fit in, one way or another, they are all outsiders and that bonds them together. Elowen a strange fae that mortals distrust and shun, Hazel, likeable and accepted by the villagers but a witch, very different from the others kids, Auden, his father outcast and mother dead, finding his animal friends easier to talk to than humans, Tristram, also a quiet loner, left behind by his family, touched by the spirts of the dead and finally, his sister, Midwinter, the youngest of her mothers children, ghostly of appearance with an almost unhealthy interest in combat and swordsmanship and like Elowen, others find her strange and tend to shun.
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