Saturday, 27 November 2021

Beyond the Wall and other Adventures, the village of Barley - NPC's

To go along with the village description I have added a list of the NPC's who live there.  This is not an exhaustive list nor is each NPC yet fully fleshed out and I will continue to expand upon them as I go along,

 NPC list

  • Wihnhilda Barkridge.  Local Witch, currently (11/11/1151) on a mission in a nearby village, she has left Hazel, her apprentice, looking after things along with her Chambermaid, a 1 foot tall lady who looks after all the pots, jars and earthenware containers that are found in Wihnhilda's home and Auden, who looks after her assortment of animals.
    Although with a name like Wihnhilda, you would think she is old, in fact the local witch is only just in the thirtieth year, she is vital to the village, tending to the sick and elderly and especially revered for her midwifery skills.
  • Flora Brambleberry the 1 foot high Fae chambermaid who looks after the pots, jars and earthenware containers for Wihnhilda Barkridge the village witch.
  • Taran & Ia Trenath.  Farmers who live just outside of the village, they are the parents of Hazel the witch's prentice and adopted parents to Elowen the fae foundling.  They farm mostly sheep which they take to the hills around the village in the spring and summer but also grow various crops most of which helps fed the village and the manor.  Taran is a freeman and has a reasonable living from his farm, able to keep his wife and two daughters in a comfortable standard of living even though work on the farm is hard and not easy. 
  • Harold Godwin.  Lord and Squire of the Manor of Barley.
  • The 'grizzled' captain of the manor guards. Loyal to the Godwin family and his men at arms, he is particularly fond of Midwinter and gave her lessons in combat and swordsmanship.
    Hit Dice 3d10  HP 17
    AC 16
    Attack  +4 to hit,  1d8+3 damage (longsword)
    Alignment  Neutral

    He is in charge of 9 men, 1 sergeant and 8 men at arms
    Hit Dice 2d10 HP 11
    Attack  +2 to Hit,  1d8+2 damage (longsword) 
    Alignment  Neutral

    Men at Arms
    Hit Dice  1d10  HP 5
    AC  14
    Attack +1 to Hit,  1d8+1 damage (longsword)
  • Radcliffe & Beda Everhill
    Owners of the  Black Lamb Tavern
  • Idger the Blacksmith.
  • Berdan Langhart apprentice to the blacksmith.
  • Garrik Hornbeam, like the tree he gets his surname from, is gnarled, mighty and as tough as they come.

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