Monday, 30 May 2022

The Wasteland Hack Solo - The Oracle

The Oracle.

For my solo games I love the simplicity of the MUNE GM emulator (link), I also love the d20 oracle given in Zathrum 2.2 GM emulator (link), so I decided for my Wasteland Hack adventure I would attempt to combine the two, this is the resulting oracle.

Rules from the MUNE GM emulator are used except I now have a two table oracle based on rolling d8, the intervention table is now also d8, these changes are given here.

 Roll 1d8  and check the table 1

Table 1
1 - No (+1 intervention point)
2 - No (But)
3 - No (roll on Table 2)
4 - No (And)
5 - Yes (And)
6 - Yes (roll on Table 2)
7 - Yes (But)
8 - Yes (+1 intervention point)

Table 2
roll 1 d8 
1 - (on the contrary)1- (apparently)
2 - (while)2 - (if)
3 - (surprisingly)3 - (in order to)
4 - (as long as)4 - (unless)
5 - (unless)5 - (as long as)
6 - (in order to)6 - (surprisingly)
7 - (if)7 - (while)
8 - (apparently)8 - (on the contrary)
On a roll of 8 get +1 intervention point

Whenever a 8 is rolled on either table gain one intervention point, when you get 4 intervention points roll on the following table and reset intervention points to 0

1 - new entity
2 - entity positive
3 - entity negative
4 - advance scene
5 - regress scene
6 - close scene
7 - wild negative
8 - wild positive

The revised oracle seems to work okay although I have only ran one scene using it and I am still a little unsure if I am overcomplicating things  but I will no doubt get a better understanding of where I am going with this as I -
Adventure On!

Sunday, 29 May 2022

The Wasteland Hack Solo - Session 0

 To do in Session 0.

Character Creation - First thing I need to do is create some 'Survivors' who will band together and adventure in this post apocalyptic future.   Initially I plan to roll up three characters and see how I get on, sometimes the solo rules I use ask for a new character to be added to the group in the form of an NPC but the way I play my solo game the distinction between PC's and NPC's in the adventuring party is very blurred, so we could easily end up with four PC's as the game progresses.

NPC Creation - Second thing to do is to sketch out 6 to 8 NPC's who may come into play during the adventure.  I use UNE (Universal NPC Emulator) or the NPC table given in Zathrum 2.2 solo system.  I don't go into too much detail about these NPC's at this stage, just a brief one or two lines, what they are and some character traits is sufficient at this point.

Set the Overall Theme - I find it useful for my characters to have a purpose for each adventure, this can be as vague as just a hex crawl, or something more specific such as get spare parts for their broken down vehicle.  It could very well be that the game and characters go in a completely different direction as things progress but that's part of the fun. 

Solo Toolbox.

For this session 0 we will be using the following Toolkit

The  Wasteland Hack RPG for the rules and setting.
UNE for randomly generating NPC's.
Zathrum 2.2 for help with NPC's and help with setting the overall theme. to generate three random adjectives to help describe the characters.

The Oracle, although it may not get used in this session, I think its worth saying that I use a mix of MUNE & Zathrum 2.2 for my games.  The changes I made to the oracle can be found on a separate page (link here)

The Characters (Survivors).

Melina 'Beagle' Smith.   Bunker Dweller

CLASS :  Wasteland Wanderer (+1 spot danger)

Str : 8  Dex : 13  Con : 11  Int : 16  Wis : 14   Cha : 13

HP : 11    AP (armour): 1

Perks:  Forager (+1 to finding food and water tests), Hacker (+1 when using computers)

Starting Gear: A Handgun, 2 clips of Ammo, 2 bottles of purified water,
first aid kit.

Character description :  Calm  Rightful  Warm

Franco 'Scout' Redridge.   Military Survivor

CLASS:  Driver (+1 driving vehicles)

Str: 12  Dex:14  Con: 10  Int: 13  Wis: 9  Cha: 12

HP: 14    AP (armour) : 4

Perks:  Offensive Driving (+1 when attacking with a vehicle), Sniper (+1 when using sniper rifle)

Starting Gear: An Automatic 'Sniper' Rifle, 2 Clips of Ammo, Basic Flak Armour, 2
bottles of purified water, Geiger counter

Character  description :  Gifted  Frail  Proud 

Luther 'Dawg' Hooker.   Military Survivor

CLASS :  Grease Monkey (+1 repair or build vehicles)

Str: 15  Dex: 15  Con: 14  Int: 12  Wis: 15  Cha: 11

HP: 16    AP (armour):  4 

Perks:  Radiation Tolerance ( +1 radiation resistance), Quick Repair  (reduce repair time) 

Starting Gear: An Automatic Rifle, 2 Clips of Ammo, Basic Flak Armour, 2
bottles of purified water, Geiger counter

Weapons :
Automatic Rifle Damage d8, Range far away, Rate of Fire d6

Character description :  Ill-fated  Unnatural  superfluous 

NPC’s Random list of. 
1, Warrior.   Grim, Perceptiveself-made
2. Outcastdevious, Treacherousundistinguished 
3. Scholar, moroseindecisiveshrouded in mystery 
4. Merchant, recklessvainanger 
5. Sage,  love,  cheerful,  impulsive 
6. Thief,  humble,  sad,  remorse 

The overall theme. 

Rescue mission -
Examine alliance 

So we now have our first  three character's and some possible NPC’s, we know the theme is some sort of rescue and involves some sort of alliance.   

In session one l can bring the characters together and start the adventure.   I will split the session up into a number of scenes to be played out and see where they take me. 

Until then time to
Adventure on! 

Saturday, 21 May 2022

Beyond the Wall Solo - Bay of Spirits session1.

The forgotten monastery of the far mountains in the hinterland of the bay of spirits. 


When the air turns to ice the return of the hollow ones illuminates the way and sow great misfortune.

The Abbess Gabriella Alonia looked out across the ice capped mountains from the abbeys bell tower, she shivered, her breath froze against the windows, even the fire burning in the centre of the room could not keep out the bitter cold that seeped into every inch of the Abbey.  The 11 other druids and clerics who lived and worshipped in this remote, almost forgotten, monastery devoted to Sylvana, goddess of the animals and the wild, sat around the edge of the circular tower, their mood almost fatalistic.

The old cleric Whindred lifted his weary head and look at the Abbess, "do you think for one moment that Winterton will remember its pact to our Abbey let alone honour its debt.  Abbess Alonia, you will send the girl to her certain death, the cold will kill her before she is half way to the village, a life will be lost for nothing".

"I understand your fears brother Whindred but you know if we do nothing we will all perish, we are not strong enough to fight alone, and it would not stop with just our deaths, they will destroy all.  Crea is the youngest and most able of us, she must go to Winterton, there are those there who will remember the prophecy and their debt, they must return to us the bones of St Agnus, the girl and the sword she thought she found will come, it is her destiny.  Crea must go brother Whindred, we have no choice".

The old cleric closed his tired eyes, he knew the Abbess was right but he was to old for this, he wanted no part of it but he had no choice, non of the twelve had.

Crea took the message from the Abbess, "Crea, take the big moose, ride to Winterton, seek Elzbeth the witch, tell her that  the air turns to ice, come back with the relic and the orphaned girl, may Sylvana grant you speed".

Crea took the message and set out on her mount for Winterton.

Tools used in the session and other stuff.

For this game session we will be using the following Toolkit

Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures RPG
Further Afield supplement
My adapted Mune/Zathrum Oracle to generate verbs if I need a prompt to work out what happens next.

Location - Winterton, Lower bay region, Bay of Spirits

Date - 21st December 1512CY, Winter Solstice.

PCs (click on name to open page with full character stats)

Culdus the young acolyte, Hugo d'Winterton the would be knight, Karina Lankrit the local performer, Rhian the young woodswoman, Strawberri Cottoncloud the fae foundling.

NPC's in this session

Crea - Priestess of Sylvana from the Abbey of the Far Mountains, sent to Winterton with a message from the Abbess Gabriella Alonia

Table of NPC's which may be used in this session

1. Elzbeth the witch
Martain the landlord of the Blue Goose
3. Ranogg the old mercenary
4. Alene Gallach Abbess
5. Eidwick Stewart the steward
6. Dunchan Dubh blacksmith

The Hollow Ones. Undead resurrected by powerful otherworld magic.  they look very much like they did in life but spells and magic which can detect the undead will reveal them as such.  
Hollow ones have no soul but can remember their past lives, they can speak and will talk to someone they where close to, like knowing the true name of a creature, if you know the living name of a hollow one you can attempt to command it to do something against its will.
Hit Dice 3d8 (14hp)
AC 16
Attack +3 to hit,  1d6+2 claw attack or as per weapon carried (50% chance of using a weapon, 1-2 Longsword 1d8 +1 hits, 3-4 Battle Axe 1d8+1 hits, 5 Great Sword 1d10+1 hits, 6 Great Axe 1d10+1 hits)
Alignment.  Chaotic
XP 100

Hollow ones do not age, 
Unsettling Presence,  A Hollow One can unsettle a creature it can see within 15 feet of it. The target has disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes within the 10 minute. Constructs, undead, and creatures that can't be frightened are immune to this feature. Can only be used once per day.

Dead & Mindless.  Hollow Ones are immune to sleep or charm spells.

Scene 1 Winter Solstice Eve, 4.47pm (time generated randomly)

Winterton is getting ready to celebrate the winter solstice, although snow is falling and laying thick on the ground, there is the usual solstice eve excitement, particular amongst the younger folk, indeed Karina the Bard and Rhian the woodswoman are playing and singing, entertaining the good village folk who have braved the snow to drink at the Blue Goose and near the roaring fire, close to the entertainers are two of their friends, Culdus the young cleric from the Abbey and a somewhat strange looking girl, Strawberri the Fae, all four are merrily enjoying the evening, all have forgotten that their friend Hugo d'Winterton, son of the Watchman, has draw the short straw that night and found himself on watch duty.

Is everything in the village as you would expect on such a night - roll 1d6 = 6 (Yes, +1 intervention point)

Hugo is on his 3rd patrol around the perimeter of the Village, the snow is still falling heavily, night has drawn in and he is cold, hungry and finding it ever more difficult to walk through the snow which covered the ground, where the snow is deepest it is above the top of his winter boots and making his feet wet and uncomfortable, his mood is not good.

As Hugo passes by the Blue Goose for the third time this evening he stops and looks in through the window, the sight of the revelry going on inside the inn serves only to deepen his mood.

I make a wisdom check to see if Culdus spots Hugo looking in, roll 4, he does indeed.

Culdus sees the young would be knight peering in through the window, he nudges Strawberri Cottoncloud who is seated next to him and gestures towards the window.

"looks like our watchman could do with a hot mulled cider to warm him up Berri, I think I will take him a glass out" 

"Aye, and a hot pie from Master Wicklow's kitchen, I'll see to that Culdus" 

It takes only a few moments for the pair to get some warm food and drink for their friend and they signal to Hugo to wait.  As they open the Inn door the three are startled by a loud bellow behind Hugo.  Strawberri is the first to react, moving swiftly through the snow towards the Moose which made the noise, she is too late to prevent its rider falling off into the soft snow.

Is Crea still alive? (Yes, if) Crea is alive just and is down to 0 hit points, if she does not receive help soon she will die.

Both Culdous and Hugo are now with Berri by Crea's side, Culdus has the 'Kings Touch' trait and lays his healing hands on the young priestess, bringing her back to 2 hit points.

Can Create talk? (Yes, and +1 intervention point,  now at 2).

Crea is weak but is able to tell them who she is and tells them that she must see Elzbeth. 

Strawberri and Culdus help Crea up off the ground and they know they must help her to the Witches house and out of the cold quickly.   Leaving Hugo with the big moose they head off. 

Hugo turns towards the Manor and curses the Wavryen guard,  " this would have to happen on my watch,  those lazy useless guards should be out patrolling not me" 

He curses the guard some more then turns around, 

"and what am I supposed to do with the moose?", Hugo asked, only the moose heard him.

Session 2in the next post,  until then

Adventure on! 

Bay of Spirits and converting my Barley game to C&S5e

 Bay of Spirits by Roan Studios.

I am a big fan of Randy M's Bay of Spirits setting and I was delighted to get a message from DrivethruRPG this morning to say that Randy has released the first in what I hope will be a regular 'magazine of sorts' called Taverns, Tales & Trails, a 64 page collection of art, maps and old school fluff as Randy M puts it.

I have only looked at the preview so far, my hobby piggybank is well and truly depleted so even though its only $2.99 (£2.40uk) the actual purchase will have to wait until I get a few £'s back in the hobby bank, hopefully that will be this weekend as it looks a really excellent resource which, even though it deals with the Bay of Spirits, there is no reason you cannot just grab bits of it and blend them into an existing campaign.

As with all of the booklets put out by Roan Studio, the artwork is fabulous and the text well set out with sections on the backgrounds and cultures of the Bay as well as sections on adventuring in the wilds and a section about Moose, if that's not enough there are stunning maps and plans of taverns and caves to keep your adventures happily occupied for months.

It has really inspired me to get those other Bay of Spirits pdfs I purchased open again and to go back and look at the five characters I created, Hugo, Culdus, Strawberri, Rhian and Karina, (you can read their first adventure here, who are 5 adventures from Winterton created using Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures, and that is the rule set I will be using for my solo games set in the Bay of Spirits, indeed it was always intended to be that way but I went off at a tangent and its taken this new publication from Randy M to bring me back to where I should be.

I have already started on a new adventure for my 5 young hero's, look out for the blog post.

Barley campaign and Chivalry & Sorcery 5e.

And all the above has left me with a slight issue.  I have invested a not so inconsiderable amount of time in my Barley setting which I was going to run, indeed started to run, using Beyond the wall rules but as I will be using those rules set for my Bay of Spirits games I think it would be good to use a different set of rules for my Barley games.

I have built Barley and the lands that surround it as a Medieval Fairy Tale land, I have drawn heavily from the folk tales found in the collections of  Andrew Lang and illustrations of H.J.Ford, adding goblins, dwarves and elves straight out of the Beyond the Wall rule books.  The problem I had with the games I have played so far is that I ended up ignoring the fairy tale aspect of it and running the game using the scenario packs and threat packs  from Beyond the Wall, so maybe it was indeed time to change rules system and get the setting back to how I first envisioned it.

I have had the pdf for Chivalry & Sorcery for some time and I have been wanting to do something with the game but just found myself struggling with 600 pages of text.  Slowly but surely I have read my way through the bulk of the book , making notes as I went along, and feel that I have a better grasp of the game system, so I plan to port Barley over from Beyond The Wall to C&S 5e.

My logic for this move, well, Barley already has a fairly detailed description of the manor, its lord and the good and not so good folk that populate the village and the surrounding area.  It is a very medieval setting which should work well with C&S.  There is a book, European Folklore Bestiary, available for the game which fits in well with my Folk/Fairy Tale setting and on top of that, the rules are way different from Beyond the Wall, so although I will have two fantasy campaigns on the go, they should both feel very different from each other.

So I now need to set about converting the PC's and NPC's from Beyond the Wall to C&S, that could be fun.  The NPC's should be no problem, only a few have stats, the majority just have a  description, to be fleshed out if and when required, the PC's, thats a different matter.  I want to keep the five I already have, Hazel, the witches 'prentice, Auden the Beast Keeper, Midwinter the lords wayward daughter, Tristram the lords forgotten child and Elowen the Fae foundling.  I suspect porting them to C&S could take a bit of work, indeed some of them, Elowen in particular, may be tricky to do but once I get my head around all that it will be time to

Adventure On!