The forgotten monastery of the far mountains in the hinterland of the bay of spirits. |
When the air turns to ice the return of the hollow ones illuminates the way and sow great misfortune.
The Abbess Gabriella Alonia looked out across the ice capped mountains from the abbeys bell tower, she shivered, her breath froze against the windows, even the fire burning in the centre of the room could not keep out the bitter cold that seeped into every inch of the Abbey. The 11 other druids and clerics who lived and worshipped in this remote, almost forgotten, monastery devoted to Sylvana, goddess of the animals and the wild, sat around the edge of the circular tower, their mood almost fatalistic.
The old cleric Whindred lifted his weary head and look at the Abbess, "do you think for one moment that Winterton will remember its pact to our Abbey let alone honour its debt. Abbess Alonia, you will send the girl to her certain death, the cold will kill her before she is half way to the village, a life will be lost for nothing".
"I understand your fears brother Whindred but you know if we do nothing we will all perish, we are not strong enough to fight alone, and it would not stop with just our deaths, they will destroy all. Crea is the youngest and most able of us, she must go to Winterton, there are those there who will remember the prophecy and their debt, they must return to us the bones of St Agnus, the girl and the sword she thought she found will come, it is her destiny. Crea must go brother Whindred, we have no choice".
The old cleric closed his tired eyes, he knew the Abbess was right but he was to old for this, he wanted no part of it but he had no choice, non of the twelve had.
Crea took the message from the Abbess, "Crea, take the big moose, ride to Winterton, seek Elzbeth the witch, tell her that the air turns to ice, come back with the relic and the orphaned girl, may Sylvana grant you speed".
Crea took the message and set out on her mount for Winterton.
Tools used in the session and other stuff.
For this game session we will be using the following Toolkit
Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures RPG
Further Afield supplement
My adapted Mune/Zathrum Oracle to generate verbs if I need a prompt to work out what happens next.
Location - Winterton, Lower bay region, Bay of Spirits
Date - 21st December 1512CY, Winter Solstice.
PCs (click on name to open page with full character stats)
Culdus the young acolyte, Hugo d'Winterton the would be knight, Karina Lankrit the local performer, Rhian the young woodswoman, Strawberri Cottoncloud the fae foundling.
NPC's in this session
Crea - Priestess of Sylvana from the Abbey of the Far Mountains, sent to Winterton with a message from the Abbess Gabriella Alonia
Table of NPC's which may be used in this session
1. Elzbeth the witch
2. Martain the landlord of the Blue Goose
3. Ranogg the old mercenary
4. Alene Gallach Abbess
5. Eidwick Stewart the steward
6. Dunchan Dubh blacksmith
The Hollow Ones. Undead resurrected by powerful otherworld magic. they look very much like they did in life but spells and magic which can detect the undead will reveal them as such.
Hollow ones have no soul but can remember their past lives, they can speak and will talk to someone they where close to, like knowing the true name of a creature, if you know the living name of a hollow one you can attempt to command it to do something against its will.
Hit Dice 3d8 (14hp)
AC 16
Attack +3 to hit, 1d6+2 claw attack or as per weapon carried (50% chance of using a weapon, 1-2 Longsword 1d8 +1 hits, 3-4 Battle Axe 1d8+1 hits, 5 Great Sword 1d10+1 hits, 6 Great Axe 1d10+1 hits)
Alignment. Chaotic
XP 100
Hollow ones do not age,
Unsettling Presence, A Hollow One can unsettle a creature it can see within 15 feet of it. The target has disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes within the 10 minute. Constructs, undead, and creatures that can't be frightened are immune to this feature. Can only be used once per day.
Dead & Mindless. Hollow Ones are immune to sleep or charm spells.
Scene 1 Winter Solstice Eve, 4.47pm (time generated randomly)
Is everything in the village as you would expect on such a night - roll 1d6 = 6 (Yes, +1 intervention point)
As Hugo passes by the Blue Goose for the third time this evening he stops and looks in through the window, the sight of the revelry going on inside the inn serves only to deepen his mood.
I make a wisdom check to see if Culdus spots Hugo looking in, roll 4, he does indeed.
Culdus sees the young would be knight peering in through the window, he nudges Strawberri Cottoncloud who is seated next to him and gestures towards the window.
"looks like our watchman could do with a hot mulled cider to warm him up Berri, I think I will take him a glass out"
"Aye, and a hot pie from Master Wicklow's kitchen, I'll see to that Culdus"
It takes only a few moments for the pair to get some warm food and drink for their friend and they signal to Hugo to wait. As they open the Inn door the three are startled by a loud bellow behind Hugo. Strawberri is the first to react, moving swiftly through the snow towards the Moose which made the noise, she is too late to prevent its rider falling off into the soft snow.
Is Crea still alive? (Yes, if) Crea is alive just and is down to 0 hit points, if she does not receive help soon she will die.
Both Culdous and Hugo are now with Berri by Crea's side, Culdus has the 'Kings Touch' trait and lays his healing hands on the young priestess, bringing her back to 2 hit points.
Can Create talk? (Yes, and +1 intervention point, now at 2).
Crea is weak but is able to tell them who she is and tells them that she must see Elzbeth.
Strawberri and Culdus help Crea up off the ground and they know they must help her to the Witches house and out of the cold quickly. Leaving Hugo with the big moose they head off.
Hugo turns towards the Manor and curses the Wavryen guard, " this would have to happen on my watch, those lazy useless guards should be out patrolling not me"
He curses the guard some more then turns around,
"and what am I supposed to do with the moose?", Hugo asked, only the moose heard him.
Session 2in the next post, until then
Adventure on!
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