I also decided to make Rook an Elf. I think if I had made every character human I would have lost some of the feel and flavour that makes Mendoza City so unique and appealing.
Step 1 - Elf
No roll for race this time, as mentioned above I decided to make Rook and Elf character.
Step 2 - Class - Mage
I made Rook a mage, so no dice roll for class this time.
Step 3 - Generate attributes.
One attribute starts at 15, for the remaining 6 attributes I roll 4d6 dropping the
lowest number.
11, 11, 8, 10, 15, 18 plus the 15 above
Three high numbers there balanced out by three average rolls and one mediocre 8. I can now distribute them over the 7 attributes
Strength : 8 (-1)
Dexterity : 11 (-)
Constitution : 10(-)
Intelligence : 11 (-)
Perception : 15 (+2)
Willpower : 18 (+3)
Charisma : 15 (+2)
Initiative : 11 (-)
Initiative is dexterity + Intelligence / 2, this is Step 4
Step 5 - Hit Points = 11+1 = 12hp
Hit points for a mage are constitution + Level..
Step 6 - Luck =11, re-roll pool = 1
Step 7 - Roll for contacts
Mages start with 3 contacts, I roll 1d8 three times and get-
1 : Occult Trader catchphrase "you're not serious"
1 : Occult Trader catchphrase "computer says Feck No!"
6 : Courier catchphrase "well hello sweety buns"
I initially rolled 1,1,6 on my 3d8, so I re-rolled one of the 1's again to try and get a different
contact but it came up 1 again, so two Occult Traders it is.
Step 8 - roll for Augmentations
Mages skip step 8.
Step 9 - bonus languages = 0
Step 10 Choose Skills - Knowledge (Magic) plus six more
Deception, Detection, First Aid, Knowledge (Monsters), Persuasion, Survival
Step 11 - Choose class abilities number of talents = charisma modifier so 2
Sense Magic
Magic Tell - hair stands upright when casting spells.
SPELLS =to Will bonus +1 so 4
Dr Ruben’s Incogitable Cure All
Fetid Fog of the Pit People
Jantupple’s Curious Enjoin
Nocratha’s Soporific Spores
Step 12 - Add class GEAR pack
Light vest, Remington Covert light pistol (2 x
mags regular ammo), Cell (Hon Hai Echo Sys
10), Fake ID, Knife, and ₵50.
Step 13 - Turning Point = Illigal Alien
Address = Foundry Bay
Living Standard = Homeless
Step 14 & 15 Background & Name
Name : Rook
Background : Sometimes waitress at Nero's Nook Bar and Grill.
Illegal Alien: You’re an illegal alien onthe run from Home Affairs agents.
Devoid of legal status, you are an unregistrable non citizen with no work rights and no safety
net. Still, anything’s better than your old homeland.
In the original adventure with Weasel & Kid Sinister, Rook had come to the city from the
wastelands ;ooking for a better life so it seemed fitting that I rolled illegal alien for her
Rook came to the city in search of a life better than the one she had. Homeless and destitute she
was befriended by Kid Sinister, got herself work in Neros Nook and moved in with Kid S and
Weasel is jealous of Rooks friendship with Kid S so, with the relationship between the three
strained, Rook moved out. She currently drifts between places, staying at Shonas, Neros or
some of the others she has befriended whilst working at Neros.
Although Weasel has a problem with Rook, he knows she is very useful to the group.
Should Rook be taken by the authorities of Mendoza City she would be sent back to her village
or worse if that was possible.
I have made a pdf of Rooks character sheet available for anyone who may like to use her in their own games either as an NPC or PC. Feel free to down load it.
Rook makes the fourth character for my Lowlife 2090 game. I plan to run a game using Lo 90 solo rules from Parts per Million which has just been published on DrivethruRPC.com (find it here).
Once I have ran the adventure I will type it up onto the blog assuming it runs out okay. In the mean time
Adventure On!
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