Lowlife 2090 RPG by Pickpocket Press.
Lo 90 Solo by Parts Per Million.
For the second part of my Lowlife 2090 adventure I am using PPM's pdf Lo 90 Solo which has just been released on DrivethruRPG. This offers a d100 oracle which is different from my own d8 one. There are no intervention points in this solo system so I have amended the rules a little for continuity. An unmodified roll of 91-00 on the oracle gives you +1 intervention point, at 3 intervention points I roll d8 for an intervention type.
Lo 90 Solo also has themed tables to help answer 'open' questions which I will use instead of the game icons.
Round up from last session
I ended the last session with Weasel, Kid Sinister and Shona trying to get out of a subway in the Munroe District of Doza. They are on their way to meet up with the fourth character, Rook.
Unable to get past the security guards due to a riot in the street above which has spilled into the subway entrance, a girl called Vienna has taken them to a staff exit. Finding the door open, they are trying to make their way to the street above and bypass the riots.
Unfortunately someone spots them.
The current Intervention point level is at 2.
The Staff exit
Question - is it a member of staff who spots them? (almost certainly +40% to d100 roll)
d100 roll 93% = YES (and)
Now 3 intervention points so I roll on my intervention table. roll d8 = 2 Entity Positive.
As Vienna leads them through the staff exit corridor they stumble across the janitor, (a man in his 40's wearing a t-shirt and a baseball cap), AND he knows Vienna.
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"Hey Batu, what you doing in here n' whose the pack you towing?" the janitor seems happy to see Vienna.
Vienna smiles at the janitor and replies "I just wanted to get out of here Polish, those riots up top, guards stopping everyone from leaving the subway, me and my friends have had a long day, I thought we could get out this way, miss the trouble as well"
"Hey, no problem batu, Polish will take you to the streets and past the demo up there, sounds like its got out of hand"
Polish, the janitor, quickly leads them through the staff rooms to the street exit. They exit into a well lit street, its quiet but they can hear the sound of the riots a few streets away.
The walk to Rook.
Shona looks around her, she seems a little worried, "I don't recognise this area, we need to get to this address to meet someone, I don't suppose you could give us directions?"
She shows Vienna the address.
Question, can Vienna show them the way to where Rook is? (I think she is both local and happy to help so Likely +20% to d100 roll)
d100 roll 71% +20% makes 91% = YES (and)
(no intervention point as this is a modified roll)
Not only does Vienna know the way she is happy to take them there as it's on her way.
Question - does anything happen on the way to meet up with Rook (50/50 so +/-0% to d100 roll)
d100 roll 15% = NO
The streets are silent apart from the noise of the demo and riot a few streets away. Vienna tells Shona that this is a very well off part of Doza and the demo would be enough to stop the 'supposed' good citizens of the area from going out. Once the demonstartor's and rioters have been dealt with by the law or just given up and gone home, people will venture out again.
Vienna leads them to a block of exclusive apartments.
"You got to have plenty Cera to live in a place like this batu, whoever your hoda is, they must be loaded" Vienna smiles at Shona, then says "look me up soon, I am sure we would have fun. My names Vienna, no need to bring the boys though".
Shona seems slightly taken aback, "sure, but I don't know where you live".
"Then I'll look you up, Shona isn't it? Nero was right about you", with that Vienna disappears down the street.
The job.
Weasel, Kid S and Shona make their way up to the apartment where Rook is waiting for them. They are welcomed in by a young, fashionably dressed and obviously concerned young woman.
Rook is sitting in a chair and stays seated while she introduces everyone, "Glad you all finally got here, this is my friend Nashu, Nashu this is Kid, Shona and the Honker is called Weasel"
Weasel retorts, "Hey Delf, I'm surprised a person with such class would let a sumper like you into..."
Shona scowls at both Rook and Weasel, "will you two just for once stop sniping at each other. Nashu, pleased to meet you and I apologise for my two friends here."
Nashu Kamshunir asks them all to sit down and offers them a drink. With formalities over she tells them why Rook asked them to her apartment.
Her brother, Enli, is three years younger than Nashu, they have always been very close. Recently, both their parents were killed in a plane crash on a routine trip to one of the other cities. Much to Enli and her surprise, they discovered that they were heirs to a surprisingly large amount of Cera and several well appointed apartments in Doza.
They had always been well of but never expected to inherit such a large estate and wealth.
Unfortunately news of the inheritance got to the local media...
And now Enli has been Kidnapped. Nashu has the paid 50 million Cera the kidnappers demanded, but, instead of her brother, she received another ransom note.
The kidnappers now want another 50million Cera.
Nashu would gladly pay the price but she no longer believes that the kidnappers have any intention of returning Enli alive.
The party are offered ₵ 80 ,000 if they find the kidnappers and an additional ₵ 20 ,000 if they rescue her brother unharmed. She offers a ₵ 5 ,000 advance as a gesture of good faith, and to obtain any special equipment the party might need.
Weasel is about to ask for more money but before he gets the chance Rook tells them that she has already told her friend that they will help.
In the next part, the four friends begin the hunt for Enli, until then
Adventure On!
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