Wednesday, 28 September 2022

Lowlife 2090 - Creating a new character. Weasel

 Weasel and Kid Sinister are the title characters of my Lowlife 2090 games.  It is possible that one or both may come to a bad end but until that time comes, if indeed it does, the adventures will revolve around the two long-standing friends.


In this post I am creating Weasel.  I have a solid idea in my head who Weasel is and where he came from, so I have not totally followed the random character generation as given in the rules.






Step 1 - Race = Spriggan (Goblin to most of us)

I knew I wanted Weasel to be a Spriggan so no random dice roll for race.

Step 2 - Class = Infiltrator

Again I knew I wanted Weadel to be an Infiltrator, the class fit the mental image I had of him.

Step 3 - Generate attributes.

One attribute starts at 15, for the remaining 6 attributes I roll 4d6 dropping the

lowest number.

6, 9, 11, 13, 13, 14, 16 plus the 15 above

One abysmal roll there, the rest are not too bad and one is excellent.  I can now


them over the 7 attributes

Strength       : 9 (-)

Dexterity       : 16 (+2)

Constitution : 13 (+1)

Intelligence  : 13 (+1)

Perception   : 6 (-2)

Willpower     : 15 (+2)

Charisma     : 14 (+1)

Initiative        : 11 (-)

Initiative is dexterity + Intelligence / 2, this is Step 4


Step 5 - Hit Points = 2+13+1 = 16hp

That seems okay but bullets cause real damage in Lowlife 2090, even 16hp may

not be enough.


Step 6 - Luck =11, re-roll pool = 1 (for being Spriggan)


Step 7 - Roll for contacts

Infiltrators start with 3 contacts, I roll 1d8 three times and get-

2 : Garbage Collector catchphrase "I don't even like you"

3 : Hacker catchphrase "you about done?"

8 : Professional Forger  catchphrase "I don't have time for this hoda"


I really like the Garbage Collector and his catchphrase, just seems to fit with the

way Weasel, likeable as he is, tends to annoy folk.


  Step 8 - roll for Augmentations  

Infiltrators start with three.  I roll d8 three times and get

1 = Cybereyes (with inferred)

3 = Sony Aimbot (Aim Assist).

7 = Cyphon Body Shield (Antidote System).


Step 9 - bonus languages = 1 (Italian, English)

Weasel gets I extra language due to his Int bonus.  I give him Italian for other no

reason than it seems to fit.


Step 10 Choose Skills - Electronics & Stealth plus six more

Deception, Driving, Gather Information, Persuasion, Slight of Hand, Survival.


Step 11 - Choose class abilities number of talents = dexterity modifier so 2


Quick Draw



Step 12 - Add class GEAR pack


Heavy vest, Stun baton, KB Raider pistol

(silencer, 2 x mags NL ammo), Grapple gun,

Cell ( AS Meridian Sys 11), Fake ID, Knife, ₵50.


Step 13 - Turning Point = Born Lifer

     Address = Foundry Bay
     Living Standard = Low


Step 14 & 15 Background & Name

In the original adventure with Weasel & Kid Sinister, they set out looking for their

friend Shona who had run out on them, so I decide to bring her in as well.


Name : Weasel

Background : Burglar.


           You were born into this life, the offspring of lowlife parents who taught you the

           tools of the trade. When a job turned sour and they disappeared, you were

saddened, but not surprised. Few lifers make it out, and they had a good

run. Now it’s your turn.


Weasel hangs out at Nero's Nook, a bar n' grill in Foundry Bay with

Kid Sinister, Shona and Rook.  

Weasel grew up on the street and the only life he has known is one of petty crime

and just scraping by.

Weasel shares his life with his long time and only true friend Kid Sinister but he

relies on Shona and, though he won't admit it, he knows that without her both Kid

and himself would have long been pushing up daisy's.  He tolerates Rook who is

close to Kid Sinister but cannot help feeling resentful and jealous towards the elf

and her relationship with Kid S and Shona .  

Nero tolerates Weasel and Kid because of Shona, who he has a soft spot for.  He

knows Weasel and Kid have come to the attention of some of the

ganger's round Nero's Nook, and not in a good way and that tolerance is being


For anyone wishing to use Weasel in their Lowlife games as either a PC or NPC I have added a              link to a PDF file for the character

Link to PDF Character Sheet for Weasel

Monday, 26 September 2022

Low Fantasy Gaming Solo - Temptress of the Haunted Path (part 16)

 The party make camp, a simple stew is prepared and goes down well.  They manage to rest and spend a peaceful night under the stars.  Pedlar, Nydia, Wren and Decimus take it in turn to keep watch through the night allowing Canaid and Batana to both rest.

(I count this as a short rest, so Canaid and Wren both recover some lost hit point).


The morning greets them with warm sunshine.  Now they have to make the final decision.  To continue on to the Ruined City in the hope of fulfilling the prophecy or return to Woodbury and abandon the quest.


(I decided to let the oracle answer this question)


QUESTION - does Arna wish to continue to the Ruined City?

(I think this is probably yes she does, so roll 2 d8 and take the highest roll)

Roll d8 = 1 & 4, so No (And)


Overnight, Arna, the young Komtess of Writa seems to have had her will broken.  The loss of her parents, her aunt and others close to her seem to have taken its toll.  She announces that if, as Ulfina has said, Writa has fallen to the rebels then she no longer wishes to carry on and no longer wants to put the others in further mortal danger.


Arna looks at the four characters, Canaid, Nydia, Pedlar and Wren.  She tells them that they have each received their promised reward, Canaid a mighty sword, Nydia a magical orb, Pedlar a thief to assist him, and Wren a mighty wolf.  She commands them to return to their homes, they have done all that was asked of them.


Turning to Batana, the young Komtess tells her maid that she no longer knows who she is. The powerful sorcery Batana used to send the shades back into the lough of doom was no work of an ordinary person.

Batana tells the Komtess that she remembers nothing of what she did except a desire to keep the Komtess safe and unharmed.


Arna finally looks at Ulfina and simply asks what now?  Ulfina says they should go as far from Writa as they can, for as long as the Komtess is alive, the rebels will see her as a threat and her life will always be in danger.  She tells her of Hawkstone, and the Bay of Spirits.  There she should be far enough away from danger and no one will know who she is, there she should be safe.


After two days the party make it back to Crookedmouth.  A ship is found to take the Komtess and Ulfina to the Bay of Spirits.  Nydia and Wren decided to go with them.

Batana tells the Komtess that it is best she goes her own way, she will not travel to the Bay with them.  Canaid and Pedlar with Decimus decide to stay behind as well.


Canaid turns to Batana, "I sense you still want to find the ruined city and the scroll, I sense you have unfinished business there, you will need our help"

Batana replies, "something brought me here, I think I am the one the scroll waits for, why I do not know, so yes, I must go back there, and yes, your help is needed"


Just out of their sight Salazar the old prophet puffs on his pipe, he turns to the Lady of the Fay beside him, "Batana is starting to work things out, your kind may yet soon return to this land"


As the ship taking Arna, Ulfina, Nydia, Wren and a wolf sails out into the Sea of Spys those left behind at Crookedmouth turn and head towards the town centre.

Pedlar clouts Decimus on the back, "come on then lad, you know the taverns in this town, lets get going and"


Adventure On.