Saturday, 9 July 2022

Low Fantasy Gaming Solo - Temptress of the Haunted Path (part 2)


I am using Kent David Kelly's Oldskull Adventure Generator to create a one off adventure for the excellent RPG Low Fantasy Gaming by Pickpocket Press.

The story so far

In part 1 I got the following from the Adventure Generator (read part 1 here)

Title - Temptress of the Haunted Path
Impetus - Execution of an Innocent Person
Patron - A 12th Level Mystic
Rewards - A Letter of Marque, An Assassin Henchman, Magical Identification of all Magic Items, Tamed Guardian Beast or Beasts.

 The four characters I have chosen for this adventure were created back in January 2022 when I took part in the Character Creation Challenge, they are 

Canaid the Bard (click here for stats
Pedler Glatz the Rogue (click here for stats)
Nydia Fernwise the Magic User (click here for stats)
Wren the Ranger (click here for stats)

I can now move on to fleshing out the adventure using the random tables in Oldskull Adventure Generator.

Envisaging the Adventure

It is assumed that the adventurers will have to travel from their starting point to the place where they are asked to go to by the Patron so the Adventure Generator has a series of random tables to help flesh out this wilderness trek.

Adventure type table 1, The Journey Type:

Roll d100 on the table = 66 Journey in Temperate Terrain

So this adventure is going to be a typical Northern European Fantasy adventure experience.  We now roll on,

Journey Determination sub-table 5: Journeys in Temperate Terrain:

Roll d100 on the table = 59 River with a Journey Upriver

That points us to two Journey Locale tables, Temperate Forest & Temperate Freshwater
I roll 1d6 + 5 twice to see how many times I need to roll on each table and the result is

Temperate Forest Table roll 6 times
Temperate Freshwater Table roll 10 times

Before we roll on those tables the Adventure Generator gets us to roll for the adventure dungeon or destination.

Destination Dungeon Selection Table:

roll d1000 on the table = 152 Canals and Ruined City

that sort of fits in with the river journey theme.

Now we know both the wilderness journey and destination the next task is to generate a wilderness map and some interesting features to explore along the way.  This is where the Temperate Forest and Temperate Freshwater tables come in.

Regional Locales Table, Temperate Forest
(roll d100 6 times on this table)

82 Temperate Forest
41 Faerie Glade
51 Glade Wood
63 Old Growth Forest
06 Brackens
20 Coppices

Regional Locales Table, Temperate Freshwater
(roll 10 times on this table)

04 Braided River
45 Lough
14 Creek
73 River Mouth
63 Reservoir
88 Torrent
36 Lake Foreland
50 Mudflats
31 Lake
84 Streams

I am unsure of the meaning of some of these but the Kent David Kelly kindly included a full glossography explaining them all.

next up I create 16 chaotic descriptors which can be paired with the above to give more interest to each locale, the mushroom filled faerie glades for example.

Chaotic Descriptor Table
(roll d1000 16 times)

056 Benighted/Benighted Ones
169 Decayed/Decaying
768 Servitors'
148 Crooked/Crooked Ones
355 Gold/Golden
425 Hideous
209 Doom/Doom Bringer
622 Mushroom Filled
110 Chroniclers
081 Bridged
826 Spy's
163 Daunting
839 Victors
231 Dwarf Lords
200 Disenchanters/ Disenchanting 
026 Animated/Animating

I will pair these up later, I may use none, some or all of these.

Taking Stock of it all so far.

I have now come a long way through the Adventure Generator process and the next steps are to generate the actual quest the characters will go on plus 1d6+1 possible side quests, there are also tables for possible complications, allies and guides, starting delays, starting the journey, villains, monsters and such stuff.
I am happy with what has been generated so far, I have a journey up a river in search of a ruined city and canals, a temptress and a haunted path, the execution of an innocent  I have some interesting wilderness to possibly adventure through on the way, Faerie Glades, Lakes, Creeks, Old Growth Forest and much more, yet it is becoming clear to me that Oldskull Adventure Generator is giving me a much bigger adventure than I bargained for and, with a main adventure plus side quests, something that is going to take much longer to play through than my hoped for one or two nights.
I am going to run with it though, generate the main quest, describe a starting location and roll up a starting delay which may give me my first side quest which should take me a night or two to play through, I can then dip in and out of this adventure whist concentrating on my Bay of Spirits campaign.

So lets crack on and generate the main quest.

First I generate the quest Action 

Quest Action Determination Table:

Roll 1d1000 = 452 Escort Group to (thing)

Quest Target- Thing Table:
I roll 3 times on this d1000 table and get

842 Scroll
744 Purse
568 Map

So, I am going to say that the main quest offered to the group by a 12th level 'droll' mystic is to escort a group to a ruined city through waterways and a forest where they will find an ancient scroll, he will give them a map to show the way, I am not sure about the purse at this moment.

The characters will start at a town on a river mouth, the name of the town is Crookedmouth as it is at the mouth of the river crook.  I know the adventuring party will have a map, so I need to make one from the 16 locales I generated earlier but now I have my starting point,  my end point and my main quest, I am going to roll on the Strategic Delay, Tasks Before Departure Table 1d4+1 = 2 times. 

Tasks Before Departure Table :

Roll d100 = 46 Hire specialised hirelings
Roll d100 = 08 Treasure Recovery

I am thinking they are going to need to hire a boat and maybe a crew of some description for a river trip also the treasure recovery could be the purse rolled on the 'Thing' table mentioned above.

I think I am ready to start this solo adventure now, I have a pretty solid idea of who the adventures are to escort and why, and whilst I draw my map the characters can have a little side adventure in Crookedmouth but I will leave all that until the next post when I will

Adventure On! 

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