Sunday, 24 July 2022

Low Fantasy Gaming Solo - Temptress of the Haunted Path (part 6)

Solo Toolbox used

Low Fantasy Gaming Delux Edition and various supplements 
UNE, the Universal Character Generator
Oldskull Adventure Generator
Town and City Builder 
Mune GM emulator for the odd random verb if I get stuck for ideas. 


My four adventures have found themselves in the sea town on Crookedmouth, the town seems ominously quiet and a sea mist has rolled in across the town.

My four adventures:
Canaid the Bard (click here for stats
Pedler Glatz the Rogue (click here for stats)
Nydia Fernwise the Magic User (click here for stats)
Wren the Ranger (click here for stats)

Although the four adventures do not know each other, all four have been drawn to Crookedmouth,  arriving at the same time and entering the town through the North Gate.
Whilst there are lights on in the houses and shops that make up the main Market District, the streets are deserted, except that is for a strange man puffing on a pipe, his name is Salazar a 13th level Mystic who tells the characters he is expecting them.   He suggests they retire to a local tavern where he can explain to them why they have found themselves here.

Salazar leads the adventures through the almost deserted streets of Crookedmouth, he takes them to The Broken Griffon, a somewhat dingy tavern near the sea front.


QUESTION - is all as it should be in the Broken Griffon?

ANSWER - Yes (+1 intervention point)


The Broken Griffon is dark, gloomy and has the odor of stale beer and sea, there are some locals partaking in its ales but it is certainly not busy.  The characters ask Salazar why the town is deserted


QUESTION - does Salazar know why the town is quiet?

ANSWER - No (on the contrary)


Salazar puffs on his pipe, "quiet, nay, this is busy for Crookedmouth, rotten place, no one leaves their home in this town unless they have to. I am surprised to find so many drinking in the Griffon, rotten beer and no food, doesn't smell too good in here either".


5 tankards of something looking like dirty dishwater with a stale smell is brought to the table, Salazar sniffs it and pushes the tankard to one side, "I'd rather not but please, be my guest and risk drinking it yourselves whilst I tell you a prophecy".


Salazar tells the four adventures that in an hour they will meet a young Komtess, with her will be a small group of loyal servants who effected her escape from Writa, a town from over the sea of spies. A revolt had taken place there and the child was to be executed along with her parents, the komt and komtness of Writa.  He goes on to say that the prophecy says the child must find the scroll of the Fire Demon's, raise an army and lead it to Writa. It also states that a Harper, a Thief, a Tracker and a Witch will escort her and receive great gift from her for their trouble.


Canaid the Bard asks him why they must escort her and what if they refuse to.  Replying that it is too late to refuse as they are already here, Salazar looks at each of the four in turn and tells them that he asked himself the same question, why them? he was expecting experienced guards but the gods must know what they are doing.


Salazar stands up, refusing to answer anymore questions, his part in the prophesy is done, he wishes them luck, adding that they will need it, then heads out of the Broken Griffon.


The four adventures decided to leave both the Broken Griffon and Crookedmouth. As they get up to leave, the tavern owner challenges them, "Trying to leave are you, someone needs to pay for those drinks even if you haven't touched them".

Nydia Fernwise throws two gold coins on the table, "I'll pay, that should more that cover the cost of your slops, good day to you sir", with that the four walk out onto the street


QUESTION - Is it still misty outside?

ANSWER - YES (and)

The sea mist now engulfs the town and has become so thick that the adventurers can only just see each other and they soon become disorientated and lost in the rambling streets of Crookedmouth.

After walking aimlessly around for what seemed like an hour or more, the mist lifts a little and they find themselves on the shore edge just yards away from the mudflats to the east of the town, walking out of the mist and mud is a party of 5, 2 men, 2 women and a young girl.

The two men step forward, Arnjin the Champion with his Greatsword drawn and ready, Brunjur by his side, his sword at by his side.  Arnjin speaks first, asking the adventurers who they are.  

It is Canaid the Bard who steps forward, "I think we are the ones you where to meet, it seems we four are destine to help you in your quest".


CHARISMA ROLL - I make a Cha check against Canaid's charisma to see how Arnjin and the others react to the adventures, I roll a 6, Great Success.


Arnjin puts his greadsword by his side and seems to physically relax, "so the prophesy was true, Komtess, these are the four, the ones to lead us to the Scroll".


The young Komtess steps forward and speaks in a commanding voice for one so you, "then I have something for you in my purse, you will need it", the Komtess reach to her side, "My purse!", she exclaims, "I have dropped my purse in the mud, I must find it".


The Komtess turns and runs into the mudflats and the mist, quickly disappearing from sight.  Her maid shouts "wait Arna, wait, she has gone, Ulfina, we must go after her, the Komtess does not know the path".


Wren the Ranger steps forward, "she should not be too hard to find, not if we get going now, she will have left foot tracks in the mud, anyone got a lantern, I should be able to track her with some light".


Ulfina does indeed have a lantern which she lights, Wren and Ulfina step into the mudflats with the other just behind.


QUESTION - Can Wren pick up Arna's footprints in the mud.

ANSWER - Yes (on the contrary)


Wren stops, she can easily pick out footprints heading away from them, there are not one set though, there are two both heading in different directions.


They decided to split into two groups, each will follow a set of footprints, Nydia the Witch draws her dagger and casts a Lucent Emanation spell on it


DARK & DANGEROUS ROLL - 1d20 roll = 12, no DDM this time.


Canaid, Nydia, Pedlar & Wren follow one set of tracks whilst the other follow the second.

As the two partys split, Pedlar is sure he hears a woman mumble the words 'hopefully we will have lost the brat this time',  though it may have just been the sea breeze playing tricks on him.

In the next part, the search for the Komtess in the Hidious Mudflats continues, until then

Adventure On!

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