I have wanted to try out Low Fantasy Gaming (LFG) by Pickpocket Press for some time, I had hoped to purchase a printed copy of the deluxe edition before taking the plunge but money is really tight at the moment so purchases on hobby stuff will just have to wait until things improve. I do have a pdf copy of the original LFG which is free from Pickpocket so I decided to wait no longer and play the game, the original pdf has all the rules you need and there are loads of community stuff available for the game at no extra cost too. I am determined to get that copy of the Deluxe LFG some time in the future of that I am sure.
In the last three posts I have been using Oldskull Adventure Generator by Kent David Kelly to set up a quest for a solo game of LFG, (I have put a link to the first three posts at the foot of this post), I now have a map showing the land from the town of Crookedmouth on the coast of the Sea of Spy's, to the Lough of Doom. I also have a main quest which will see my characters escort a group to a scroll located somewhere in a ruined city in the north, this quest is triggered by the execution of an innocent, (this could be someone who is about to be executed rather than someone who has already been executed), and a temptress of a haunted pass will play a part as well, all created using the adventure generator.
At this point, as I type this blog post, I have enough detail to start my quest, I know the characters are going to start from the town of Crookedmouth and I know they are going to have a side quest in and around the town, I have in my mind what this side quest is going to involve but, before I get going with the quest, I really would like to flesh out the town of Crookedmouth, the motivation for this is simply that this is turning out to be such a really interesting little campaign area with lots of super places to explore that I can see the town being a starting place for many other adventures.
Town & City Builder, creating the town of Crookedmouth.
To create the town itself I am going to use the pdf 'Town and City Builder' by James Embry. (link to pdf here).
First thing to do is define the type of community, this can range from a very small hamlet to a large city, for Crookedmouth I think a large town would work.
As a large town, Crookedmouth will be able to defend itself, it has a stone wall around three sides, only the sea front is not protected by a wall, and it has a small but dedicated town guard which helps keep law and order as well as defending the town in case of attack by small marauding forces.
Districts As a large town, Crookedmouth has the following 6 districts
Market (Rural,Primary)
Town Centre
(next 4 determined randomly)
Market (Rural, Secondary)
Craftsman District (Weapons)
Craftsman District (Armour)
Housing District (Middle)
Shops and Taverns
Craftsman District (Armour) (All prices +10% more expensive in this district)
Basic Shop - Armourer
Additional Shops, (3 determined randomly), Blacksmith, Carpenter, Tailor (all three shops are common).
Additional Taverns, 1 common (The Blue Candle)
Craftsman District (Weapons) (All prices +20% more expensive in this district)
Basic Shop - Weaponsmith
Additional Shops, (3 determined randomly), Blacksmith (common), Book Seller (common). Barber/Surgeon (common)
Additional Taverns, 1 common (The Jumping Wolf)
Housing District (Middle)
There are no shops or taverns in this district.
Market,(Rural, Primary) (All prices +20% more expensive in this district)
Basic Shops - Baker, Barber/Surgeon, Blacksmith (common), Butcher (common), Carpenter (common),
Cartwright, Church, Herbalist (rural), Out Fitter, Produce Seller, Stock Yard, Tailor (low end).
Additional Shops, (5 determined randomly), Healer, Pawn Shoppe, Craftsman (Bowyer/Fletcher), Curiosity Shop (common), Tailor (common)
Additional Taverns, 2 low-end, (The Archer and Bear, The Lonely Boar) 1 common (The Frog and Sparrow)
Market,(Rural, Secondary) (All prices +20% more expensive in this district)
Basic Shops, None
Additional Shops - Baker, Butcher (common), Herbalist (rural), Produce Seller
Additional Taverns - 1 low-end (The Broken Griffon)
Town Center (Standard Prices)
Basic Shop - Peasants Court
Additional Shops - Curiosity Shoppe (Common), Church, Library (common)
Additional Taverns 1 - high end, (The Lord's Road Tap House)
So Crookedmouth is a busy town with plenty of shops and markets, as it is on the coast, I think it will have a small harbour in addition to the above, perhaps with a few fishing boats as well as being capable of harbouring one or two larger ships, perhaps that is how raw materials for the armourers and weaponsmiths arrive, maybe goods mage at Crookedmouth are exported out that way to.
It seems to be a fairly expensive place to live with prices being 10 to 20 percent above the norm, but it does have a good mix of shops and taverns.
And that is Crookedmouth created. When I get a little more free time, I will add more detail to the various shops and taverns and map the town as well but now I want to get my adventure started.
Be sure to check out the previous posts using the links below, until the next post,
Adventure Ón!
Low Fantasy Gaming - Temptress of the Hunted Path (part 1) - link
Low Fantasy Gaming - Temptress of the Hunted Path (part 2) - link
Low Fantasy Gaming - Temptress of the Hunted Path (part 3) - link
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