Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Low Fantasy Gaming Solo - Temptress of the Haunted Path (part 5)

Solo Toolkit used

Low Fantasy Gaming Delux Edition and various supplements 
UNE, the Universal Character Generator
Oldskull Adventure Generator
Town and City Builder 
Mune GM emulator for the odd random verb if I get stuck for ideas. 


I think with any RPG game, whether group or solo, it is always worth spending a little time before each session going over what has happened in the previous sessions.  I am already 4 posts in to this quest, all of those posts have just been about creating both the setting and the main quest using Oldskull Adventure Creator by Kent David Kelly and Town & City builder by James Embry,  both of which have produced quite a lot of information some of which I am liable to forget, so, for my own benefit,  I will summaries everything here before I kick off the adventure, 

Adventure name: Temptress of the Haunted Path
Adventure Impetus: Execution of an innocent person.
Patron: Droll Mystic, 12th level Sacred Prophet.
Benefactor Rewards: Letter of marque, Assassin Henchman, Magical Identification of all Magical Items, 
Tamed guardian beast

Adventure terrain type: Temperate Terrain (a typical Northern European fantasy adventure experience).
Main quest: Escort a group to a Scroll,
Starting location:  The coastal town of Croockedmouth,
Destination:  Canals and Ruined City, (some days journey north from Crookedmouth)
Tasks before departure:  Buy equipment, hire specialist hirelings, side adventure (find lost purse)

My four adventures:
Canaid the Bard (click here for stats
Pedler Glatz the Rogue (click here for stats)
Nydia Fernwise the Magic User (click here for stats)
Wren the Ranger (click here for stats)

I need to keep some key words about the game in mind
'Dark', 'Gritty', 'Dangerous' and 'Fatalistic'.
Somehow I want to impart a sense of constant impending doom,  LFG is a gritty and dangerous game so it should all work out in that respect..

POSSIBLE NPC's who may or may not appear in the game.

The Iconic Villain  
Every good adventure needs a villain.  Oldskull Adventure Generator has several tables to help you generate just such an NPC  on the fly, so l  roll on those tables and see who I get . 
roll d1000 on Iconic Villain: Archetypes table roll = 230 Cavalier, Knight in Exile (Paladin) theme.
roll d100 on Iconic Villain: Motivators table roll =  62 Not actually Evil (Plot Twist).
roll d100 on Iconic Villain: Flaws & Weaknesses table roll = 69 Sought by a betrayed arch devil demon lord (who is sending minions to capture him).
roll d100 on Iconic Villain: Actions & Methods table roll = 36 Fulfilling a Dark Prophecy
roll d100 on NPC Experience Level table roll = 65 Experience Level 5
(As my villain isn't actually the villain, perhaps he is trying to stop a dark prophecy from being fulfilled.)
Name: Carnifex  the Shadow Knight (level 5 Knight.) I will use the Paladin Class by Erynion which can be fount on the LFG website and roll the stats up for the NPC if he comes into play.

The Patron
From the Oldskull Adventure Generator I know the patron is a droll mystic (12the level, sacred prophet, male) I roll on the NPC Generator tables in LFG (appendix B in the deluxe edition) to add more details to the NPC.
Name: Salazar 
Personality Quirks: Very Droll, Cheeky and Impulsive
Speech Quirk: Puffs on Pipe
Physical Features:  Poor Eyesight

The Group
I need a group for my party of adventures to escort to the ruined city.  I have one NPC firmly in my mind so I will start with

Komtess Arna of Writa (Level 0), young girl, daughter of the Count and Countess of Writa.
S: 8   D: 11   C: 9  I: 11  P: 9  W:15  Cha: 17 
Luck: 4,  HP:  4   AC: 10
Gear:  Purse (lost), Knife, Deck of Cards 
Always very calm and self assured (for her age), sometimes very curt and direct when talking (probably due to her upbringing)
I do not have any firm ideas on the other members of the group nor how big the group will be.

Number of NPC's to be escorted 1d4+1, roll = 4+1, so 5 NPC's in the group including Komtess Arna.

I am going to go with that roll but I need to keep most of the NPC's weak (level 0) otherwise  there would be little point in having four 1st level characters escort them,  UNE (universal NPC Emulator has two tables,  NPC modifier & NPC Noun, I roll on each 4 times to get the rest of the Party.

1. Reputable Soldier (level 0 NPC)
Name: Brunjur, 
A very honest and decent soldier, loyal to the Komtess, tends to talk to himself, he is also rotund.
S:13 D:10 C:12 I:10 P:12 W:10 Ch:10
Luck 4, HP 4  AC 14 
Gear:  Chainmail and Shield, Sword 1d 8+1, Warhorn

2.  Docile Servant (Level 0 NPC)
Name: Bayora
Maid to the Komtess, she is very practical and takes no nonsense for anyone. She is very quiet and very attractive. 
S: 8   D: 13  C: 10 I: 11 P: 8  W: 12  Cha: 14
Luck 4, HP 4  AC 10
Gear, Scissors (as dagger), Lt. Crossbow and 6 bolts, 3 candles  

3. Corrupt Mediator (level 3 Cultist NPC)
Name: Ulfina.
Ulfina has been made ward of the Komtess, she is Vengeful and holds grudges.  She is known to mumble her words, this is often deliberate.  She has several religious tattoos, mostly on her arms.
S: 12   D: 8  C: 7  I: 15 P: 14 W: 16  Cha:12
Luck 12, HP 19  AC 10
Gear:  Mace (1d6 damage), Lantern 2 oil flasks, A cold iron amulet stamped with geometric designs not attributable to any current day culture. Anyone who wears the amulet does not dream

4. Subtle Champion
Name:  Arnjin
Asked to get the Komtess safely to Crookedmouth which he has done.  open hearted and joyful in nature, tends to scratch his beard a lot when talking. 
Armour Class: 14 (scale)
Hit Dice: 4
Attacks: Greatsword 1d12+3
Nat 19: as weapon
S:16 D:10 C:14 I:10 P:12 W:13 Ch:10
Luck : 7
Move: 30 ft

The Adventure begins

Crookedmouth, the Northgate entrance.

As the sea mist rolled in over the town of Crookedmouth, four strangers passed through the Northgate  entrance into the market district.  The four are strangersnnot just to the town but also to each other and each kept a safe and discrete distance from the other three.  All four feel that something is amiss, not just the rolling sea mist but the fact that the town streets are deserted, not a single soul on the streets, not even a guard on the gates, lights illuminate windows and if there are towns people here, they must be hiding behind their doors.  Each of the four wonder who the other three adventures are and what had brought them all to this place at this time.

The four continu further into the town and as one they sww a man emerging in front of them out of the mist, he is puffing on a pipe which is giving out enough smoke for one to believe it to be the cause of the fog.
"A thief, a ranger, a mage and a bard", the man puffed hard on his pipe, "you must be the ones but you are 4 girls, I was expecting one of you to be a boy, oh well".
Pedler Glatz eyed the man with contempt, "I am a man, are you blind, and who in the name of Shennog would you be?".
The man peered intently at Pedler, "you are a boy, its so hard to tell these days.  You need to ask who I am, and in Shennog's name? You do not know me?  My word, I though Shennog capable of choosing better than you four, still you must be the ones, beggars cannot be choosers  I guess.  I am Salazar, the great mystic, I was tasked to meet you and you four sent to meet me, meet we now have as it was foretold, now I will tell you why you are here as I suspect you are all to shy to ask, shall we get off the street and out of the mist, there is a tavern down the way, its quiet tonight, first drinks are on you".

In part 6 the characters learn what they are fated to do, they meet a Komtess and must find a lost purse but until then,
Adventure on!

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