I have recently finished a little adventure of Through Sunken Lands involving two characters, Tilly and Moonwane, as I type this I have started writing up the climax of the adventure on the blog, it should be posted up on Chainmail & Sword in a few days. As that adventure ended an idea for a new adventure popped into my head, possibly with Tilly and a new character, a Pirate Captain, this will open up the whole of the sunken Lands to them as they will be able to travel to the furthest corners in his ship.

I want the adventure to have a Michael Moorcock feel to it, Through Sunken Lands can do this quite well, I tried to capture this in my last adventure but somehow the game just never really came to life the way I had hoped it would, that Elric vibe, that Stormbringer vibe just did not happen for me, the fault lay with me, a lack of planning, not being very organised and grabbing a few minutes here and there to play the game when I could, made it all rather disjointed and less than rewarding.
So before I start the next adventure I need to make sure I know the direction its going to go in, what the goals of each character are and to make sure to find space to organise myself, set aside some time to get comfortable and immerse myself with the characters and the setting, something which I have not been able to do for a while now.
For those who don't know anything about Through Sunken Lands and Other Adventures, its the swords & sorcery sister game to Beyond the Wall, indeed, I would almost call it a supplement to that game as it uses the same rules and many of the monsters and spells are ported straight over from BtW but it has a completely different feel to it and its own setting with the Impossible City, Jundar, and a vast ocean connecting far flung lands, I think you could certainly drop the Eternal Champion right in there without any problems.
Okay, enough waffle, lets get on with the character. I will assume for now that I am going to be using Tilly the thief and a Pirate Captain for the next game, I already have Tilly rolled up so I just need the Pirate.
From the Pirate Playbook we get the following -
You came of age in a land far from the great city and learned to make your own way, sailing the seas in search of plunder. The tides of fate carried you to the great city, which you now call home. You command your ship and a loyal crew. With them at your back and new friends at your side you will seek riches and glory across the world.
You are alert and commanding. Your Wisdom and Charisma begin at 10, and all of your other ability scores begin at 8.
What was your childhood like? (roll 1d12 = 10)
10 gives us "You grew up under the rule of a god-king along a fertile river stretching through the trackless sands.
+1 to STR, CON, INT, WIS and gain skill Etiquette.
How did you distinguish yourself as a child? (roll d8 = 5)
You enjoyed wandering far on your own.
+2 WIS, +1 CON
You learned the ways of the sea and took command of your crew. You become a level 2 warrior-rogue. You gain the class abilities Highly Skilled and Knacks. You learn the skill Sailing.
How did you take to the seas? (roll 1 d6 = 5)
There were so many treasures in so many of the ships on the seas. You soon came to the realisation that a fast ship and a strong arm could make a fortune.
+2 STR, +1 INT and gain skill Appraisal.
How did you move from sailor to captain? (roll 1d6= 6)
One of the elemental lords gifted you this ship in recognition of a great deed.
+2 INT and gain skill Forbidden Secrets
Who is your most valued contact in Jundar ? (roll d8 = 2)
One of the dancers who performs on the edge of the great market is a close friend of yours.
+2 DEX, +1 WIS
What happened on a mission on the high seas? (roll d6 = 4)
You raided a small city state led by a warmongering tyrant and defeated his ships in battle.
+2 INT gain Knack Fleet and skill Strategy
Who is your first mate? (roll d 6= 5)
a cold and passionless logician who improves all of your plans.
+2 INT and gain an ally.
Name : Edrik Jharrl Class : Warrior/Rogue Level : 2
Alignment : Neutral Experience : 1500 Base Attack Bonus : +1 Initiative : 4
Armor Class : 12 Hit Points : 14
Strength : 11 (0)
Dexterity : 10 (0)
Constitution : 10 (0)
Intelligence : 16 (+2)
Wisdom : 14 (+1)
Charisma : 10 (0)
Knacks : Fleet (+1 Initiative)
Skills : Etiquette, Sailing, Appraisal, Forbidden Secrets, Strategy
Traits : Child of the Sea (never becomes lost at sea)
Saving Throws : Poison : 13, Breath Weapon : 16, Polymorph : 13, Spell : 15, Magic Item : 14
Equipment :
Dagger (1d4 damage, +1 to hit)
Cutlass (1d8 damage, +1 to hit)
Leathers (+2 AC)
A fast, small ship with 12 crew and a First Mate (Ally)
36 Silvers
With his ship, crew and ally, Edrik seems to have no need for a further adventurer to join his outfit but I guess he needs to earn more silvers to keep his crew from mutiny, not all of them are loyal, so Tilly the thief could be an asset to him and him to her, we will see.
Adventure On.